Monday, June 5, 2017

The Traveling Companion pastel 8" X 8"

A teaching friend of mine visited us recently from 
California, and she brought along her traveling buddy, her little dog, Oreo.
He's a cutie...well-behaved and friendly with a
pronounced overbite.
 I decided I would forego working on portraits for a brief time
in order
to do a painting for her of him in pastel.
It dawned on me only afterwards that this counts as a
portrait after all! I had to 
consider some of the same elements as in painting a 
person portrait, but obviously there were some different
considerations as well.


  1. Well Carol I opened the page and laughed out loud ( at work no less!) He is a cutie and you did a great job. The weight of the red on the left is so important and perfectly done. Be proud.

    1. I'm so glad you like him, Helen! I have a very good mental picture of you laughing all of a sudden at work. Glad you mentioned the red leash collar. I hadn't thought about it in balance or weight issues, but you are indeed correct. I was thinking only in terms of having another color to add to the black, white and grays. Thanks for commenting, friend.

  2. Oh my Carol, he is a cutie. Our little Shi-Poo had those little teeth too which she loved to show us. I swear she smiled. So sweet! Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Carol, for your kind message. Do you know if an overbite is characteristic of this type of dog, or if it's just an occasional happening? My friend mentioned he was a mix whom the SPCA found wandering in a park. I hope you, too, have a super week!

  3. He looks a sweetie, and a perfect subject, slightly easier than human portraits, but none-the-less challenging, well done!

    1. Thank you, Diana. He was a joy. I really loved your recent painting of the bluebell field among the trees. You captured the light through the trees so expertly.

  4. Dear Carol what a charming pooch. Yes I have to agree this is a portrait and a wonderful one. Thanks so much too for your visit to my blog. I hope you have a super day. Hugs!

    1. Charming, he definitely was. He had such a good nature...low-key and friendly. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Debbie. I'm so glad you shared with us. You are such a piece of sunshine to so many!

  5. What a beautiful portrait of Oreo!!!!! I love his fur and his eyes are amazing and SO realistic.. His overbite brings out his personality!
    Your friend will treasure this forever!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Hilda! Very kind words! I thought the overbite helped define him, too, but it must be hard for him to chew food. Somehow, though, he has managed for nine years.
      I LOVED your latest portrait! I know you could teach me so much about working on portraits.

  6. Love this - a perfect warm up for painting a guy with a beard!
    I do think your speciality is going to be the EYES . You have such a way with them. Looking forward to seeing what is next. Have a great week, my friend.

    1. A guy with a beard! Great response, Julie! I think I'll try it! Hope your week is wonderful as well, and enjoy the fabulous new space you have! A lot of hard work, but look at the wonderful results!

  7. What an amazing portrait Carol, he looks so real , love the look in his eyes and the overbite, makes me smile :-))

    1. Hi Jane,
      His eyes were very expressive. He would look at you, and for a moment you thought he knew what you were thinking. I've run into many dogs that look like they could read your thoughts. They are so smart!!
      Loved your latest vase with flowers! So vibrant and summery. Made me feel happy!

  8. So much personality in this portrait Carol! I just love his eyes.

    1. He was the coolest dog, Helen! Very good manners and did everything his owner told him to do. He hardly made a peep! Thanks for visiting me, Helen.

  9. Hi Carol. I miss your posts and hope everything is okay in your world. Sending a hug!

    1. What a sweet comment, my friend. Yes, all is well. I'm so embarrassed that it's been so long between posts. Hope to be up and running again very soon. Appreciate the hug!

  10. Looking forward to your next painting Carol...its been way too long and you're missed. But I just read your response to Julie's comment so I feel better!!! Sending you hugs for the New Year!!!

    1. It's so nice to hear from you, Hilda. Yes, it has been a long time. I hope to be back this month if all goes well. Thank you for your sweet concern. YOUR art has always been such an upper! Look forward to more.
