Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Pretty in Pink" 10" X 20" X 3/4" oil on canvas


                                 I have wondered if anyone might still be following my blog
after such a long absence. It has been almost a year.
I put things "on hold" because I thought a break would bring
back motivation and renewed energy for creative endeavors.

Well, it did, but I think I broke the rule that says
"Keep painting at all costs."  Other things were involved, too,
of course, but I look forward to beginning again, and I hope there are still
those out there who will come by my blog and be interested in what
is happening art-wise in my world.

For some reason I latched on to CARNATIONS as a theme and
did some paintings with these as the subject.
This painting was the culmination of the topic. I tried several times to 
manipulate the background color in this so it showed accurately. This is the closest
I came in reflecting the "beige-y" color.

I look forward to painting again as well as enjoying the
blogging friendships that develop on Blogger.


  1. Lovely to see you back in action with a cracking painting Carol. Love the unusual set-up of your carnations, hope that the muse stays with you and you enjoy creating again, have missed you. Taking a bit of a break myself as I have so many other things to do and see to at the moment. your blogger buddy Diana

    1. So nice of you to comment, Diana. I certainly appreciate your kind words! I have enjoyed following your work during this hiatus. You offer such inspiration, and your work is always beautiful!

  2. You could have knocked me over with a feather when i saw you had a post. Yea!! What a fun way to start my day.
    LOVE the carnations! Your arrangement is creative and stunning.

    1. I smiled about the feather bit as you are a consummate feather enthusiast! The carnation painting has been fun as they are somewhat quirky. Feeling excited about artwork after I told myself I didn't need to paint and publish every day. Thank you, Julie, for all of your encouragement.

  3. Dear Carol - I am so pleased to have you back. Yes for sure I am still following your blog. These carnations are beautiful. The beige background certainly makes the luscious reds stand out. Take care friend and have a great weekend. Hugs!

    1. Debbie, I am grateful for all of the wisdom you provide via your blog. I've gone there many, many times and have come away feeling uplifted. Your watercolors are beautiful. Glad you share them as well.

  4. I have missed seeing your work Carol and SO glad to see you posting again. i will always follow your blog...always beautiful work! This painting is amazing. I love the texture in these carnations and I'm trying to see it closely so I can see how you did it. Lol. It looks very realistic and yet artsy. Adding the long stems adds beauty to this piece....and the background color is perfect....

    1. My dear make me feel so delighted to be back! I have enjoyed your marvelous pastel paintings so much especially the portraits. You know how to find faces that have character and poise. I really thank you for such a kind message. I missed you!

  5. I have missed seeing your work Carol and SO glad to see you posting again. i will always follow your blog...always beautiful work! This painting is amazing. I love the texture in these carnations and I'm trying to see it closely so I can see how you did it. Lol. It looks very realistic and yet artsy. Adding the long stems adds beauty to this piece....and the background color is perfect....

    1. I couldn't decide if there was A SINGULAR method to make carnations so I think I used the same nuances in each and every one of them. I think the one with the droopy petals was the most fun.

  6. Welcome back Carol! I too have recently returned and find breaking that rule when it's time is most rewarding, evidenced by these gorgeous carnations...I love this! Beautifully done!

    And thank you so much for your kind words!

    1. Suzanne, it's so good to hear from you, and I'm delighted to be painting again. I'm glad to hear that breaking THAT rule is sometimes what you have to do.

      I am blown away by your painting "Little Dancer." What a gorgeous child, and the way you portrayed her in her black and white with minimalist background is stunning! Exquisite composition. Whomever has that painting is very blessed indeed.

  7. Hi Carol, so nice to see you back. Love the carnations. I have been in a painting slump myself and have been posting mostly about the diet I've been on among other non-art related subjects. When the spirit moves me more art will appear. Be blessed!

    1. It does happen, Carol, doesn't it?! Sometimes just stepping away for a time helps and refreshes. I enjoyed your posts on the Keto diet. You had a lot of success with it, I remember. So nice to hear first-hand from someone who is actively involved with it!

  8. So happy to see you back in blogger world again Carol, and I just love these flowers , Dianthus I think , wonderfully painted ! You certainly didn't loose your hand . Wonder if this is an expression that can be used in English ? Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Jane, for such a thoughtful comment! You're right about calling the flowers dianthus. I've seen "carnation" and "dianthus" used interchangeably. I love them no matter what they're called. I truly have enjoyed your work over these months. I thought your abstract faces were very touching and memorable. I liked your idea to bring such an emotional touch to these striking paintings.
