Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Anticipation 12" X 12" oil on canvasboard

Continuing to explore the human face, I did 
some research on skin tones when working on this painting . 
There is so much excellent information
and many demos on the internet concerning this topic much of it by known artists
who specialize in portraits and/or figures. You Tube, Artists Network, Pinterest and several helpful articles and books provided very relevant advice.

There is so much to learn in painting portraits/figures. I am awestruck
by the works I see by so many artists, older and contemporary. 
I will never accomplish anything close to their mastery,
but I'm learning more every day about what to appreciate in
these artists' works.


  1. You are doing absolutely great Carol , this portrait is truly lovely . What a great job you did on her eyes they look so real , lips are nice and full and she look really natural !

    1. Thank you, Jane!
      Your words encourage me. I was so hoping that she looked "natural" and not like a "glam" shot if you know what I mean. I changed her hair so many times from bouffant to just loose. So much to learn, but so enjoyable!

      Your tulips are such a Spring treat! Beautiful!

  2. Another beautiful portrait Carol. LOVE the skin tones and her eyes are beautiful! I as well have seen many u-tube demos on the "face" and find them so interesting ...we continuously learn by watching. These days I have no choice but to watch!!! Lol. Therapy is truly helping and I think I'll be able to paint excited that my arm is cooperating.... Keep these portraits coming my friend!!!

    1. Aren't many of the YouTube videos excellent?! They have several on skin tones, etc. I'm so glad therapy is coming along well with you! I can't wait until you can paint again. Your last post was such a stunning portrait! I'll bet the lady was so pleased with it! Thank you for writing!

  3. Wow the eyes are truly stunning, well done!

    1. Thank you, Diana! I enjoyed working on it. I'm still aiming for more visible brushstrokes. That is such a task for me as I have a tendency to blend everything when what I'm after is more texture. Hope I'll learn to do that one of these days!

  4. Lovely again. And so brave to delve into the world of portraits. I admire you. My favorite is always the hair and hers is great.

    1. Such a kind remark, Helen! I appreciate it very much. Portraits are an interesting area. So many methods, ideas and approaches. Much, much, much to learn. I hope you are still painting figures. I enjoyed your "baseball girl" thoroughly!

  5. I can see you are a natural at portraits. This is really good and it will be great to have something to keep delving into. Don't you love having a focus to keep learning and growing like this? I am really looking forward to following your journey into portraiture, Carol.

    1. Yes, Julie, I agree that having a new and fresh area to learn about is both challenging and exciting. There is a lot of information available and that is exciting as well! I'm not experienced with drawing so I need to practice that more frequently. A lot!

      So good to see you're back! I'm excited to see your new studio and the paintings that will come from it!

  6. Dear Carol - just catching up on your post. Your portrait is awesome. It is good to see you are painting again. Take care and have a delightful day. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Debbie, for dropping by. Always a pleasure to hear from you! Glad you like my portrait as I enjoyed working on it. Although this one went through many changes it was always fun to see things develop little by little!
