Friday, August 15, 2014

The Shell Seekers 9" X 12" Pastel

The coastal towns of central California -Monterey and Pacific Grove - are wonderfully scenic and a great environment for enjoyment and for learning. People climb the rocks looking for shells or enjoying the tidepools that are teaming with life. We watched these two young ladies climb all over several formations fascinated with every nook and crevice.

I was a wee bit tired of rocks when I finished, but enjoyed the many different colors found in the rocks themselves. Wallis pastel paper has a heavier grit for the pastel to cling to than most other papers for pastel. I use it whenever I have a subject that is highly textured such as

This painting is available at Daily Paintworks. Click HERE.


  1. This one really caught my eye when I saw the small thumbnail pic. Wow! The water is brilliant-like it is sparkling-and of course I love those little girls on the rocks. The whole scene makes me a little nostalgic for the ocean and the Monterey area:)

    1. Monterey Bay has one of the deepest canyons on earth, and I think that MUST, along with the sky, affect the colors of the water. They seem to range from bright ultramarine, to phthalo and other shades. It's always good to go back to the Monterey area, Libby. I hope you can return for a visit!

  2. Before I read your text, I was thinking what a task you had painting all those rocks! Well done for your perseverance, it's a lovely painting, the water looks beautiful too, such a lovely blue.

    1. Thank you, Diana. Most of the rock formations around Pacific Grove are quite rocky and worn down by the waves. All ages of people love to climb them and see what the tide has brought in. There are kelp beds also where many sea otters used to hunt sea anemones. For the most part the water is a true blue color except on gray days. It's really lovely.

  3. OMGoodness Carol! The colors on the rocks are so beautifully painted.
    I really love this... and the added figures are perfect!!! Excellent work! The wallis paper gives it such wonderful texture!!!

    1. The rocks in the painting are so typical of the rocks in that area and are generally teeming with life in one form or another. These young girls spent a good part of the day climbing and exploring while their mother sat in a beach chair enjoying a good book. What a way to spend a day!

  4. You did a great job with the rocks. Beautiful

    1. Thank you very much, Suzanne for commenting. The area has special meaning to me and my family. I certainly have enjoyed your series of scenes in and around Lake Como. I especially liked your story of the kindness of the lady who brought you a lovely tray of fruit.

  5. Yes, indeed. Those rocks rock. lol. Really a nice painting.

    1. Hi Helen. Thank you for your kind words. I noticed you used Senso cloth on your latest painting, "Beautiful Blossom." How did you like working on it? I bought some, but have yet to paint on it. I want to try soon.

  6. I love the colors in this. Great job on the rocks.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. It was fun to work on this one. I can still see the scene in my mind as if it was yesterday.
      I read with much interest your post on art journaling. What a super idea. Your beach side painting is just delightful.

  7. Carol, this is an excellent painting in every sense of the word. I have read all the comments and each one seems to dwell on the rocks, they are superbly executed. However, without the composition and movement of the figures the impact would not be so wonderful. This is an all around excellent painting, love it.

    1. I'm thrilled that you like it, Jean. I'm forever grateful to you for introducing me to pastels several years ago and for teaching me so much. Your beautiful, amazing art work has been such an inspiration. You'll always be my "teacher."

  8. WOW! The total painting is marvelous. The way the light is hitting everything...and everyone else, i think the rocks are extra special.
    I do agree with Jean, above. An all around excellent painting!

    1. Thank you, Julie! My husband is the photographer on this one. I have "borrowed" many of his photos for my paintings. I'm fortunate and blessed.
