Monday, July 28, 2014

Landon's Rose 5" X 7" Oil on panel


My six-year-old grandson, Landon, recently moved into their first house after apartment-living. It has a big backyard - perfect for two active boys. There are several rose bushes put in by the previous homeowners. When my husband and I went on our first visit there Landon presented me with a rose he had picked with his Daddy's permission. He had put it in a glass with water. One of those moments Grandma's love.


  1. You created the most wonderful depth in that rose. Great job. Love grandchildren, each and every one of them............

    1. Helen, thank you so much. I struggled when I first started painting with the "range" of yellows. I couldn't seem to find more than 4-5 values, but eventually included raw sienna which gave me more options. Grandkids are great, aren't they? I feel like such a "goddess" when I'm with them.

  2. I do love yellow roses quite a bit-I think they are very underrated! This one is lovely and what a perfect background color. Lucky Grandma too with a sweet grandson:)

    1. Good point, Libby. I agree with you! Yep, I'm a lucky grandma! Thanks for writing, my friend! Your kind words always cheer me on!

  3. What a beautiful rose, Carol... and even more special when your grandson presented it to you. Beautiful shadows and light and I love how you painted the glass as well. (I love your grandson's name!!)

    1. Thank you so much, Hilda! The look in his face was something to treasure. I'm glad you like the rose. The light and shadows in my photo were very distinct.

  4. So fresh and light, I can almost smell this - and how great to get this from your grand!

    1. What a nice thing to say, Rhonda! It was a delicate little thing, but just brought a lot of sunshine with it! Thank you for commenting!

  5. How sweet, your grandson sounds like he adores his grandmother! What a beautiful present, and a beautiful painting too. I'm sure he got a big hug in return.

    1. Yes, he did, Diana. Thank you for the kind words! Your latest painting with the eggs and egg shells is stunning. A very clever idea!

  6. How much dearer could the gift of a hand picked rise be? Once again you have beautifully captured the intense yellows. Congrats

    1. I thought it was such a sweet gesture, too, Jean. He's a thoughtful little boy...always making little gifts (drawings, cards, bookmarks, etc.) for others. Thank you for your comments on the rose.

  7. I enjoyed seeing this beautiful rose and reading the story of your grandson sweet gift, Carol. I agree with you about the color yellow being hard to get the full range of values unless you move into the raw sienna and even the right brown.
    I love the transparent glass.

    1. Thank you very much, Julie, for your comments. I, too, have had to go to burnt sienna and a brown as well to get the deep value I've needed. I'm glad others have noticed this conundrum and have solved it in a similar way.

  8. Beautiful painting, Carol! Your rose is painted so wonderfully and has such a presence. (Your blog is the first I've visited in what feels like a very long time.)

    1. So nice to hear from you, Lorraine. I'm hoping you have been painting up a storm for your show. Thank you for your sweet comment. I do love that little rose!
