Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mesquite Leaves al Fresco 8" X 6" oil on canvasboard SOLD

One of our favorite animals in the desert area we live in south of Tucson is the Cottontail Rabbit. In the mornings they wander the neighborhoods looking for food and water. My husband was on HIS morning walk when he spotted this little one feasting on some mesquite leaves. The rabbit would grab the branch and pull it to himself so he could nibble.

This painting will be available beginning September 1 on Daily Paintworks. Click  HERE.

Have a wonderful Labor Day!!


  1. This is a beautiful little painting Carol! You really captured the sweetness of these animals.

    We have these little guys here too. I see them darting in and out of the brush when I take my morning walk. We also have some that have longer ears. They are awfully cute:)

    1. I agree, Libby. You can't help but love them. They come right into our patio and make themselves at home. They like to dig holes in the dirt and eat my flowers, but I still like to see them.

  2. You did an awesome work on the fur...and really love the subject and the situation .

    1. Jane, thank you very much for the comment. I hope you had a great trip this summer and are back painting like crazy.

  3. He's adorable Carol... I love how you captured the softness and beautiful colors in his fur!!!

    1. I appreciate you commenting, Hilda. The colors in their fur just blend right in with the rocks and dirt in the area. Most creatures here are camouflaged so well they are hard to see except on open ground.

  4. Very sweet painting, must be hard to be a rabbit in such an arid area. Love his furry tummy! Great subject.

    1. That's very true, Diana, for all the critters here. With the summer heat and lack of water it's amazing they can get enough moisture. The rabbits and the javelina even eat parts of the cacti.

  5. Great job. I was taken right to the eyes. Fun painting for sure.

    1. Thanks, Helen! My wonderful art mentor told me long ago to get the eyes first. And, it really does make a difference during the process of painting.

  6. A couple of mornings ago, I took an incredible number of photos of a little Tennessee rabbit munching down on the grass in our front lawn. Maybe some day, I'll actually try to capture him in paint.
    You certainly captured your little fella. Love the design of your painting and the great charm of your hungry cottontail.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Shirley. I hope you can paint your rabbit one day. There are some creatures that just can't take a bad picture, and I think rabbits are among them.

  7. Replies
    1. Karen, it is so nice of you to write and offer your kind words. I do so appreciate it!!

  8. What a wonderful painting. I like the unique viewpoint, so natural.
    The ears are extra amazing, Carol.
    We have a couple of little charmers who visit us here. We also have the jackrabbits. Talk about ears!

    1. Aren't they fun?!! Our Jackrabbit population is dwindling in the last few years. Sorry to see that. Thank you so much for writing, Julie.
