Friday, January 13, 2017

A Good-Bye (for now) Message

Dear Blogging Friends,

Very early in the morning on January 3rd
I suffered as many have before me a familiar home accident.

Funny how fast something can happen.
I fell and broke a hip and damaged some ribs which all left me with 
many harmonious color patterns over my body.

Our new local hospital took wonderful care and
put me back together with a partial hip replacement.

Lots of helpful meds, physical therapy and stellar nursing are easing my way back to walking and all the little things that we take for granted until they are not

I won't be posting for some time, and
will probably not be able to comment
on your beautiful, inspiring artworks as often as I would like. But, from my  
new comfortable, designated daytime "sitting" chair I can see my
tubes of paint, boxes of colorful pastels and brushes
and books for inspiration.

So, I'm sure, with time I will not be able to resist the pulls and tugs
of the opportunity to make art.

I will sincerely, desperately miss you
and thank you once again for all you have given me: 
ideas, feedback, encouragement and company along this
thrilling road of art discovery.

Take care, my friends.💙


  1. Oh Carol!!!! I am SO sorry to hear this! I only wish I lived close enough to you to help you out in any way I can! I will be praying for a speedy recovery will take awhile but I know you'll be feeling better soon!!! I'm so happy that you are able to tell us what's happening as we DO worry about our friends here in this beautiful place called blogger land. Take care and sending lots of hugs!!!

    1. What a nice thing to say, Hilda! You have such a big heart. Thanks for your thoughts, prayers and hugs!

  2. Dear Carol,
    So sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident, I really feel for you. It is so easy to fall and hurt oneself and as we get older we are not as supple and don't 'bounce'like we used to! Do get better soon, I know that the creative bug will become irresistible and you will pick up your brushes and get going again.
    Until then my friend, we will all be thinking of you and wishing you a speedy healing.
    Hugs Diana

    1. It really makes me feel old, Diana, but I'm so surprised at the advances in technology! Maybe they WILL be able to make us supple and flexible again one day. Thanks for your kind wishes, and I agree that that creative bug doesn't stay dormant for long!

  3. Hi Carol, I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way for a full recovery and time of peaceful reflection for you.

    1. Thank you, Carol! I greatly appreciate the good thoughts and prayers. I know things will go well. :)

  4. Broken crayons still color.
    Take care and have a speedy recovery.

    1. Your comment put the biggest smile on my face! Perfectly true. It will become my mantra. Thanks for your good wishes.

  5. Oh NO!!!
    Poor you. What a genuinely horrible thing to happen. I bet your hubby has been a "knight in shining armor" but please make sure to let him know that I recognize it must have bee hard on him too. Seeing someone suffer is never easy.
    Is there anything I can do - across the miles?
    I will be adding you to my prayers for a quick and perfect recovery.
    Sending a gentle hug.

    1. Julie, he, my husband, has been a rock indeed. I feel so lucky that he is such a caring man. All he does is with humor and efficiency. How kind of you to offer help even from miles away. Thank you for the hug and prayers.

  6. I was so upset by your news, dear friend, that in my previous comment I forgot to tell you how much I love the Mourning Dove.
    Made my heart give a jump of pleasure!

    1. Glad you liked the dove. It's one I did some time ago, but I enjoy it so.

  7. Oh sweet friend I am so sorry to read about your accident. Will be spending time in prayer for you and I know you will be well before you know it. In the meantime take care and use this precious time to lean on Him. He will carry you through. Just remember that lovely poem "Footprints in the Sand." Xo Xo

    1. I am appreciative of your email, Debbie, and agree that healing is often accelerated by the many new things that can be done! I am fortunate to be as far along as I am, and am so grateful for the prayers and encouragement! "Footprints" is near and dear to my heart!

  8. Oh Carol, how sorry I am to hear this , but I admire your positive attitude. Wishing you all the best and hope to 'see' you again real soon ! Wonderful painting of the birdie, he (she ) looks so sweet and tranquil there on the fence. Hugs.

    1. I hope to be "back" in some capacity before long, Jane. Art has too deep a hold on me to stay away for long. IT will be a good time to research and sketch. Best of everything to you, my friend. I hope you find many interesting subjects to paint!

  9. Oh Carol. I am so sorry. But you will be back........those books you are eyeing are waiting for you! Take care.

    1. Yes, they are, Helen, and I'm really anxious to begin reading. This is the perfect time to study and enjoy. Hope all is well with you and you weren't impacted by the recent flooding. Thanks for writing!

  10. Oh, my dear Carol, I am so sorry for your unfortunate accident and wish you all the best for a most speedy and complete recovery. I hope you will soon be feeling well enough to get back to your art work and I very much look forward to seeing it!

    1. Thank you for your good wishes, Susan, and my mind is already thinking of possible artwork. Your work and that of others always inspires me, and I just received my newest issue of Southwest Art! Yippee!

  11. So sorry to hear of your accident Carol! I wish you a speedy recovery. Now is the best excuse to do all that reading's time to smell the roses for a while and take it easy. You'll be back painting in no time.

    1. You are exactly right, Helen. Reading and sketching will certainly help me with some ideas and motivation. Thank you for your encouraging message. It's so nice to see you painting once again. I always learn from your posts.

  12. Very sorry for the accident. I wish you a smooth recovery. Take rest and once you are fully recovered we will always be here to see what you have given color to.

    1. What a lovely message, Munir! I appreciate your good thoughts and I love your phrase "to see what you have given color to." An encouraging phrase! Thank you!

  13. I keep coming back to see the gorgeous Mourning Dove.
    Hope your rehab has been successful and I think about you a lot. Sending good and happy vibes your way.

    1. Always so good to hear from you, Julie! I'm doing well and hope to be up and running soon! (Well, not "running"...but certainly painting!)

  14. Dear Carol,
    I went to post a thank you for your very kind words on Tim and saw on your blog that you had fallen! I am so very sorry and I hope you are doing better! We all miss your incredible work and are so looking forward to your return. I hope that you are doing well. Take good care and thank you again. Best, Suzanne

    1. Thank you so much, Suzanne, for your thoughtful message. I am very blessed with the healing process, and am already planning my first painting this year! How about that! I appreciate so much your good wishes, and I look forward to blogging again and seeing the motivating work of artists like yourself "out there" in the blog world.
