Friday, October 9, 2015

Can You Hear Me Now? 12" X 12" Oil on panel

With this painting I used for the first time a set of Cobra Water-Soluble Oil Paints. I had read that with these paints no mediums are required and cleanup is done with water and soap. Sounded good to me. I was delighted with the creamy texture of the paints, and Cobra has some striking colors that are rich and heavily pigmented. The only problem I encountered was the long waiting time to dry particularly the initial background. That was a bit discouraging as I usually come back in the second day and paint the "fat over lean" stage.

I'd heard that if you add water to the paint it will take a long time to dry, but I hadn't added any water or used any mediums even the kinds that one can choose to use for this type of paint. All in all it took three days just for the thin background layer to dry. I will use them again and see if other colors in my set do the same or if the experience repeats itself. I hope not because the colors again are so gorgeous and they have a luscious texture.

My husband took the reference photo for this painting with two Cottontails sitting side by side engrossed in something they saw. For me, it was all about the ears!


  1. Those bunnies look so sweet! Like they are a mom and baby:) And you did a great job with the light on the ears.

    Too bad about the new oil paints though. Three days to dry is a but much. No solvents sounds very promising though. Maybe the manufacturer's web site has some info?

    1. I wondered, too, if they were related, but rabbits are pretty social. Probably good friends. Libby, I did like the paints in every way except for the drying time on the block-in stage. I'll just have to do some research and see if drying time is an issue with this brand or just with the dark colors I used for the background. Always learning, aren't we?!

  2. What a great painting, Carol!!!!. I love all the beautiful colors and how you captured the softness in the fur !! Wonderful reference shot of these bunnies...and yes, LOVE those ears!

    1. Thank you, Hilda, for your comment! It was so much fun to do this one. Had a couple of hurdles, but it came through, I think. Hope you're doing well. I'm still in love with your beautiful sailboat painting! It is so tranquil! Just like sailing on a sailboat should be!

  3. Oh Carol - this is wonderful. I love the colors that you chose too for the bunnies fur. Just beautiful. I have read about water soluble oils. Thanks for heads up on the drying time. Your hubby certainly knows how to find a good picture. Hope you have a great day. Hugs!

    1. Thank you for the comment about color, Debbie. It was fun and rather brave of me to add blue and orange to the fur colors, and I must admit that's a scary thing for me to do. But, I do like the effect. Some artists have such a gift for using unusual colors in something traditional, but they succeed beautifully! Have a wonderful week, Debbie. I certainly enjoyed your photos of the changing season!

  4. The painting is FABULOUS! What a surge of pleasure I got when I saw it.
    It looks like you have found a media you enjoy and maybe a medium will help dry faster - let us know what you find out, please.

    1. So happy you like it, Julie! I tried to do something a little different with the brushstrokes, but I know I need more work in that area. Your sunset painting is truly wonderful! Such pretty colors and the texture adds so much interest! I'd love to see it in a frame.

  5. Absolutely adorable, LOVE this subject and the way you painted it , so unusual and surprising ! Sounds interesting with water soluble oil paint, and thanks for telling about the inconveniencies you encountered, will surely be of great help if I ever try this kind of media.

    1. Thank you for such a nice comment, Jane! Rabbits seem to be an animal that is universally liked by all, myself included! I did enjoy the paints, but need to experiment more and see if there is a way to "fix" the slow drying time. I love them otherwise. Hope all is well with you!

  6. Love this painting, their fluffy backs and those ears are superb, the lighting too, really is perfect. Very handy to have a talented photographer close at hand!

    1. It is, Diana. I've used many of my husband's photos over the years. I'm certainly enjoying your recent still lifes. You paint so beautifully and arrange your setups very creatively! Those peppers definitely have the "Wow!" factor. Just beautiful!

  7. I really love this painting! It IS about the ears!!

    1. Thank you, Kathryn. That's one of the reasons I wanted to paint it as it made me smile...those big ears sticking up there. I had the great pleasure of visiting your blog this morning, and your beautiful watercolors just made my day! They are exquisite!! I can't wait to see more, so I've subscribed to your blog. I also appreciate the works-in-progress shots you have. You live in beautiful country. I grew up in Washington State near Seattle and really do miss the gorgeous scenery and all there is to do there. Thank you once again for commenting.

  8. Oh Carol, so good to see you painting away. Love this. It is all about the ears but I can just feel their coats. Lovely.

    1. Thanks so much, Helen. I am having fun painting these days and am trying some new materials. Not everything turns out as I'd hoped, but I know that's part of the process. I certainly enjoy the subject matter you paint, and I get the feeling you like to try new things, too.

  9. Love your bunnies! They are so cute. You have really captured the softness of their fur nicely. I have several tubes of water soluble oil paints that I will have to try. It might be interesting to see if another brand might dry quicker. I'm glad to see that you are back to painting. I will have to get back to painting some time soon too. I've had too many interuptions this summer.

    1. Things get busy at times, don't they, Melanie? They just do! I look forward to your next post. I haven't tried a second-go-round yet with the Cobra paints, but I'll be anxious to see if it is just a few colors that take a long time to dry or is it characteristic of the brand. I hope it was just a fluke thing because the consistency of the paints is so lush, and the color pigments are so rich.

  10. What a unique composition! I love this!

  11. Thank you very much, Sherry! Very nice of you to comment. I really enjoyed painting this especially those ears. I'm so glad you posted on your blog. It's good to hear that things are going well for you although busy I imagine. Thanks for touching base.

  12. Oh, how have I missed this! What a beautiful and soft rendering of these bunnies. I love it!

    1. It's wonderful to see your latest post! I have missed you. The viewpoint of "For The Birds" is delightful! I feel as though I'm right in the midst of the beautiful garden. Love the house in the back. Just perfect!

  13. This is so striking! I love it! It's soft and strong at the same time. Love the way you handled the medium—so free and calligraphic and the light and transparency in the ears is so commanding.

    1. I surely appreciate your comment, Lorraine. What you said about brushwork is especially gratifying as I've been working towards getting looser and less restrained. So wonderful to see your recent works and read about the progress you're making. I've missed you!

  14. So beautiful!! I love the ears and the light coming through! Wonderful composition. Good luck with the water soluble. I used to use them exclusively and liked using them very much!

    1. It's good to hear that you had success with the water soluble oil paints. I'm hoping that when I use them again there will be no drying problem; that it was just a fluke because otherwise they were great. Thank you for writing such a nice comment. I treasure it!

  15. Such an interesting composition! Those ears are delightful.
    And it was great to see your thoughts about water-soluble oils. I've heard mostly good things about them. A more detailed report was nice to see.

  16. The ears got to me, too, the moment I saw the photo my husband took. Couldn't resist. I'm about to start another painting with the water soluble oils. I particularly want to check the drying time of various colors after my initial experience. The colors are so beautiful and the texture is very creamy, so I hope the drying time will not be a problem with this brand.

  17. Love the intense light on these bunnies and the specks of colour in the darks of the fur. Wonderful Carol!

    1. All that natural light was in the photo, Helen I thought it was my lucky day when I saw it. The light isn't always that intense right on the subject! :)
