Monday, September 21, 2015

Bright Spot 5" X 7" Pastel on Ampersand

This little bouquet caught my eye with its beautiful colors against the creamy white. I loved their little button centers and the opportunity to play with colors I haven't used in a while.


  1. That fabulous color in the petals really enhances the centers. Good to see you posting. I enjoyed the really informative comment you left on Libby's blog.

  2. Thank you, Julie! The top portion of the painting is a riot of color. Hopefully, it switches to "peaceful" mode as one goes down into the off-white.
    Libby's post was interesting with well-made points.
    I loved your mission painting. Clair and I toured a lot of the old missions along the Camino Real in California years ago. Each one was very distinctive with wonderful architecture and unique materials.

  3. A lovely trio of colors and grouping of petals and centers. A very nice arrangement:)

    1. Thanks, Libby. I enjoyed the process. I'm a little rusty at present, but hope to soon be doing more. I took a look at your website and am very impressed with the layout of your artwork and the organization of the site as a whole. Well done!!

  4. Wonderful, fresh , bold and a great contrast with darks and lights . Really lovely set up !

    1. I appreciate that, Jane. Your recent painting of the abstract sunflowers won me over immediately!! Your use of color and contrast made for a knock-out painting! It brightened my day immensely!

  5. This is so pretty and velvety! This medium works beautifully for flowers.

  6. You're absolutely right, Sherry. Pastel is a wonderful medium for flowers as it does leave a lush look. I like that for flowers even though it might be hard to photograph because of the "fuzzy" edges. But, I think the bold color of pastels makes up for a lot of that.

  7. I love how you paint flowers in pastels, Carol.....the color is beautiful....the change in color using the darks and light is perfect! You always capture the softness in the flower...beautiful work my friend!!

    1. Such kind words, Hilda. I appreciate it. I have missed you, and hope all is well. Hope you are finding time for painting. You are a master artist, and your artwork is always an inspiration!

  8. Dear Carol- this is so lovely. The magenta and mauve colors are gorgeous. Thank you too for your thoughts and prayers. They worked and my dad is doing much better. Hugs

    1. So glad to hear your Dad is better, Debbie! That makes the heart sing!
      I thank you for your comment. I have felt quite creatively dry these last few months, so I was happy to finish this little painting and feel good about it. Good to have you back!

  9. Rich, rich rich in color and depth. Love this Carol and so lovely to see another of yours today.

    1. Thank you , Mary! Such a nice comment! I certainly enjoyed your "beach-walker!" Gorgeous colors, and I am reminded how young children get totally lost in the moment, so if he wants to hop skip, run or jump that's what he does! What a beautiful place to do it!!
