Monday, April 27, 2015

Ready For Picking 6" X 8" Pastel on Wallis

Oh, it is soooo good to be back in my blog world. I missed you all, and I hope you're still with me as a fellow blogger! Thank you for the kind words and support you offered for the past couple of months. I'm so happy to let you know that my husband is doing well. He's going on morning walks and continuing daily exercises the physical therapists set in motion. He still is quite stiff and sore from the break, but we know he'll be better as time goes on.

My art making has been minimal these past weeks, but I'm looking to remedy that. I started with a familiar and comfortable subject...a pear!! It felt good to be "dusty" again,  and smudge that pastel over the surface. I did manage to do quite a bit of research on various artists whose work I admire and worked with some new materials I had ordered. Thank goodness for online shopping!! I even bought an excellent DVD on abstract art by Mark Mehaffey. I'll be sharing with you over the next few weeks some of the things I've learned and found and will try to get up to date on all of your art efforts over the past weeks. Can't wait!!!

This painting is up for auction on DPW HERE.


  1. Welcome back Carol, yes Ive missed all your lovely paintings. Glad to hear that hubby is mending well, I am sure you are relieved, now you can get to getting dusty!. Pears are one of my favourite subjects they are just a lovely shape. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, Diana! Your recent pear on your blog was painted in such a glorious color, I remember. At one time I painted so many pears I was afraid everyone would know me as "The Pear Lady!"

  2. It is SO GOOD to have you back!
    This is lovely, I am completely in love with the yummy pink next to all the beautiful greens.
    Looking forward to hearing your take on the abstract art.

    1. I thank you much for your kind words, Julie! I'm excited about my explorations of abstract art. I think Mark Mehaffey's DVD on watermedia with Yupo will be a valuable starting point for the process. I watched it once straight through just to gain an appreciation for his style and approach. Now, I'll go back and rewatch for specific information about techniques. I'm excited!

  3. Laughing Carol.. We both had enforced breaks at the same time and we both came back with pears. Perfect. Welcome back and yes, we are still with you! Love the pear and how you developed the composition. Keep getting dusty!

    1. I noticed that!! Great minds...., right? I appreciate your welcome and comments about my pear. I sure enjoyed the one you painted recently as well as those yummy lemons in your last post. You have a great gift for wonderful brushwork!

  4. Glad to see you back Carol, and glad your husband is so much better ! LOVE your pear, looks so real and that rose coloured background is perfect !

    1. I'm glad you like it, Jane, and thank you for thinking of my husband. We're so pleased at the progress he has made.

      You have been wonderfully busy at painting since I last visited. Your roses are a standout with their vibrant color and texture effects. I greatly admire your skill at portraiture. Do you have models that pose for you? The skin tones are so life-like, and the shadows on the faces create such perfect volume. I am in awe.

  5. I am so happy to see you back Carol!! I missed you and so happy that your hubby is doing well... it's not an over night fix...but glad to hear he's on the mend.
    Love your can see all that wonderful texture and beautiful colors... I can't wait to see your next painting!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Hilda! I was so very impressed with the barn scene you painted and posted on your blog! Just an amazing work. So rich in color and lively with texture. I'm waiting for YOUR next painting, too!

  6. Dear Carol- so glad to hear hubby is doing better. Your pear is divine. Looks good enough to eat. Happy you are once again dusty. Love the results😊!

    1. I appreciate your comments, Debbie, and it's so good to hear from you once again. I fell in love with your new puppy in the photos you posted. He'll have such a wonderful place to grow up at your home. Your photos always brighten my day!

  7. I've been checking your blog posts often to see if you had posted anything and I was happy to see your pretty pear and find out that everything is OK. I almost sent you an email, but I figured you had your hands full helping your husband recover. I'm anxious to hear about the new things you are learning and doing.

    1. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing, Melanie! It's so nice to be blogging again and seeing all the beautiful artwork people have been doing. I see you've been working on seascapes, and they are GORGEOUS! You make the water and the skies exactly as I've seen them whenever we've visited the ocean. The reflection of the moon is stunning, and I almost expect to hear the waves crashing on the shore. What a beautiful setting!

  8. Sounds like you've been amazingly busy and so glad things are going more smoothly. The 'homework' sounds invigorating too and I look forward to hearing about the DVD.This is a lovely bright pear but it didn't look like you needed to shake off any cobwebs! Lovely!

    1. Thank you, Mary. I am anxious to begin in earnest with some play and exploration time. I want to say "thank you" again for posting such helpful videos and slide shows referenced on your blog that detail your process. These are a wonderful gift to those of us who are somewhat rural where it's difficult to attend workshops.

  9. Looks like we're still with you! Glad to see a new post and that your husband is doing well! Thought of emailing you but wondered if I'd just be adding to the pressure . . . lovely new work!

    1. So wonderful to receive your comment, Lorraine. I'm wondering if you're working on some new pieces, and, if so, what direction you're taking. The work for your recent show was so outstanding!

  10. Glad you found my blog, Carol. It sounds like you've had a worrisome couple of months but I am so happy to see your work. It is just beautiful!

    1. I'm glad, too!! I know I will enjoy getting to "know you" through your posts. Have a wonderful upcoming week!!

  11. I am a little late here but welcome back! I saw the pear(in my news feed) and recognized your hand right away!

    Hope to hear all about what you experimented with these last few weeks plus info. on Mark's video. His work looks very exciting! Glad that your husband is doing better:)

    1. Thanks, Libby, for all your kind thoughts. I still haven't done the amount of experimentation I would like, but am hoping the next few weeks will allow me to do that. Mark's DVD was quite good, I thought, at least for my needs. He is so matter-of-fact and imparts information in a sequential, easy-to-understand way. More later. :)
