Sunday, February 1, 2015

How Sweet It Is! 8" X 8" Oil on c/b SOLD

I apologize for not posting or commenting on your delightful, inspiring blogs for awhile. In mid-January my husband had an accident while hiking and broke his hip when he landed on a large rock. Surgery to repair it was the same day, and since he left the hospital he has been rehabbing at a local facility. He is making slow but continued progress, and it will take some time to mend and, hopefully, regain the movement and flexibility he had before. He's working very hard, and is so anxious to get to the point where he can come home.

This dove has been sitting on my work table patiently waiting to be finished. My husband took the photo at the end of last summer when the Saguaro Cactus blossoms were in full bloom. These blossoms feed a host of critters including doves, bees, woodpeckers, insects and starlings. The Saguaro is such a stately and majestic cactus and sort of a symbol of the Sonoran desert where we live. They have been the subject of many an artist's paintings.

As time permits, I plan to do some experimentation with gouache, watercolor and acrylic paints which I have tried only minimally so far. I also would like to try a broader range of subject matter including some abstract work. With my fellow bloggers I have so many fine examples of quality work and ideas shared. I can't wait to start! And, I gradually will catch up with posting comments on all of your blogs!

Link to Purchase


  1. Goodness! Your poor husband. I hope he is getting better and better. Back to hiking and everything else soon-fingers crossed.

    In the meantime though, what a lovely little painting! It's always amazing to me that cacti have flowers and blooms and such soft beauty to them. Such a wonderful contrast too with the delicate bird.

    Good luck with the experimentation. Acrylics and gouache are lots of fun-different from oils somewhat-but they have their good points.

    1. Thank you, Libby, for your nice words. And, I look forward to working with both those media. I think it'll be fun to work with some different materials for awhile.

  2. I wish your husband a quick recovery Carol...I am SO sorry to hear about his fall..I'm glad he was able to get help fast ...that's so important. Thoughts and prayers going your way!!
    Your painting is beautiful Carol...amazing rich greens and you're getting so good with painting birds...very realistic. I love that clear blue sky...I miss Arizona!!

    1. Thank you, Hilda. He's a strong guy and I know that will help. I'm so delighted you like the painting. The Saguaro blossoms have always fascinated me. The flowers are beautiful, but I learned that only about half of them bloom from the many buds on top of the "arms." Don't know if they don't get pollinated, or it's just survival of the very fittest.

  3. What a difficult month. I am glad you are back painting as it is so healing. My best to you both. And keep it up. Love the information about the painting. Nice work.

    1. You're right about art being good for the soul. It felt good to put brush to canvas and words to my blog. Thanks so much for writing.

  4. Dear Carol. So sorry for your husband, but glad he is recovering , sending you best wishes ! Your painted is a great moment in time caught on a canvas , beautifully done . What a show it must be when they flower !

    1. We appreciate the good wishes very much! And, thank you for the kind words about the painting. It is a glorious time when the Saguaros are in blossom. The flowers look like crowns on top of the "arms" of the cactus.

  5. Dear Carol - so sorry to read about your hubby. I certainly understand all that you are going through right now. Hope he will soon be back home with you. Will be praying for him and you as well. Love your dove...just beautiful painting. Take care and visit when you can. Hugs!

    1. Hi Debbie,
      Thank you for taking the time to write. Clair is working hard, and we're hopeful it won't be long before he can return home. We are so blessed with great doctors, wonderful nursing and loving family and friends. We appreciate the prayers immensely. I'm tickled that you like the dove. He makes me smile.

  6. What a bummer happening for you and Clair...especially Clair. He has the pain and, bless have the worry. I am always amazed how life changing events can happen so fast.
    Good to see you able to get back to your art.
    Exciting to think of you trying new materials and techniques. I loved the workshop I took. You draw and know color so well so you have an advantage right off the bat.
    Will continue praying for a full recovery.
    Sending a warm hug.

    1. Thank you very much, Julie. Prayers are so appreciated. Your blog posts on the workshop you took recently were inspiring. I think we all need to be stimulated periodically with new materials and techniques. Just the joy of working as a student in the company of fellow artists is a great boost!!

  7. Sorry to hear about your husband's accident. I hope he is back to providing you with photos soon. I have also tried to do an acrylic painting after doing watercolors for a while. It's like trying to drive a different car after you have gotten used to the old one. It takes some concentration. I've found some videos that were helpful, providing me with some tips that I would never have thought of on my own. Great job on "How Sweet It Is."

    1. He will be, I'm sure, Melanie! The road seems long at this point, but he's home now, and happier, so we'll make it.I will look up some videos and tutorials on the internet as you suggested to guide me with the new materials. There are some very good ones out there. Thank you for writing. So good to hear from you!

  8. Sorry to hear of your hubbies accident, but glad to hear he is on the mend, it must have been very worrying for you.
    The painting of the dove is soft and beautiful, I lived in Spain for awhile it was hot and full of cacti too, very pretty but don't fall anywhere near them!

    1. Thank you, Diana, for your good wishes. It sounds as though Spain is very much like Arizona in terrain, plants and temperature. I'd love to visit there. How fortunate you were to be able to live in that location.

  9. sorry to hear about your husband! your painting is lovely, though!

    1. Thank you, Erin, for writing a comment. He's on the mend and working hard to recover the muscle strength in his hip.
      I'm glad you like the painting as it was a joy to work on it. We have taken many photos of doves over the years. :)

  10. Hope the recovery is going well. This painting is wonderful, and I certainly see why it sold- lovely and careful shapes and color

    1. I am really tickled that you like the painting, Mary! I have admired your work for some time, and am delighted when your latest post comes to my inbox. Thanks for taking the time to write!

  11. Beautiful painting, Carol! Congrats on the sale! Sorry to hear about your husband—I hope he's getting stronger by the day. Really enjoyed your previous posts, reading about the hummingbirds and those lush plums.

    1. Always so nice to hear from you, Lorraine. Thank you for your kind comment and for asking about my husband. He is making progress due to the daily exercises and physical therapy schedule. He's very committed to being able to ride his bike and hike again.
      I was so glad to see your stunning work at the Hunt Gallery on the internet. So wish I could go to the show, but will see your fabulous works online. I love what you do with a brush, and you always select original and exciting subject matter.

  12. What a beautiful painting! I love the subjects, composition and colours!
    Sorry to hear about your husband but very glad that he is making a good recovery. He'll be back hiking in no time.

    1. Thank you, Helen. Nice of you to say such thoughtful words. I loved your post today of the horseman. You make action look so believable - like a moment in time. Everything just flows. Well done!
