Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cassidy's Marbles 6" X 8" Pastel on Wallis SOLD

I couldn't resist the reflections coming through these marbles in the original photo from WetCanvas.
I haven't played marbles since I was a kid, but when I was teaching many students were bringing this game back to popularity. They were totally engrossed in play, and I loved watching them!


  1. You have such an eye for composition! I love all of your work of course but this one really stands out for me. The marbles look alive somehow-like they are waiting to be set in motion.

    1. What a nice comment, Libby! Thank you! I like that the painting makes you think of motion! I think the "stretchy" reflections help with that.

  2. Playing marbles was one of my favorite things to do as a child.. NO COMPUTERS then so we made our own games which I have to say was the best!! I was never bored like a lot of children This painting is absolutely amazing.. I love the way the black marble stands out... Beautiful reflections and painting!!!!

    1. Thank you, Hilda, so much for your kind words. Didn't we have some good games when we were kids? I am sorry many of the games are no longer in vogue. I think our kids today are missing a lot of fun!

  3. Okay...I admit to feeling envious of your use of glass and light. This is a stunner, Carol.

    1. Wow, thank you, Julie! I credit the photographer for setting up the light in this one, and it gives me some other ideas as well.
      Thank you again for your very informative post on using glass as a surface to try out revision of a scene. I can't wait to do this!

  4. Carol, what a delightful get well painting, such beautiful color and effects, of light and shadow, makes me feel,better just seeing the colors

    1. I'm happy if it makes you feel better. It's been a long day for you! color is supposed to make one feel more cheery, right?!

  5. You must have had fun painting this one! Marbles are such a great subject to paint and you have done such a good job with these. Pastels are such a lovely soft medium.

  6. I did enjoy it, Diana! It's exciting to work with so much color! I'm wondering if you have tried pastels. With your skill and creativity I bet they would be wonderful!

  7. Your colors are just glorious. This would make an outstanding big (and I mean really big!) work.

    1. Shirley, thank you so very much! I LOVE the idea of a larger one, hmmmm! You've got me thinking!

  8. This is so cool--you captured the glass so well. Brings back memories of playing marbles in the schoolyard about this time of year.

    1. I appreciate your kind comments, Stephanie! I watched a group of children playing marbles at recess while I was on duty, and they were so engrossed and knew the rules for the game. What a great past time for kids!!

  9. Beautiful and colorful marbles wonderfully painted , the rendering of the glass is really great !

    1. Thank you, Jane! The colors in the marbles and the reflections were fun to paint.

  10. Beautiful, Carol! Another strong, bold statement! Your use of light really makes them look alive . . .

    1. Lorraine, thank you so much! I was thrilled to hear you got so much out of the Workman workshop. I went to the Fredericksburg School site you referenced and was wishing I could just jet down there to take all those classes! What wonderful resources you have!
