Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Shades of Green 2 7" X 10" Pastel

Painting succulents could become a habit with me. Their variegated  colors and wonderful shapes make each one unique and a joy to render.

I will put this onto the DailyPaintworks website tomorrow. I was having some technical trouble today.


  1. Beautiful greens Carol, I thought it was a photo when I first looked at it! Great job!

    1. Thank you, Karen! The greens in the original photo caught my attention, too. It was fun to play with various hues of warm and cool greens.

  2. Wonderfully done Carol, this looks so real with the shape and thickness of the leaves . And great dark background to set it all off , wow !

    1. Such kind words, Jane! I'm so grateful to you for all your encouragement!

  3. Gosh, your pastels are always so wonderful. The colors are intense but nicely restrained. Those greens are just lovely and sort of mysterious looking:)

    1. Succulents are definitely intriguing to say the least. They are so hardy for being so little, and they can take lots of neglect which is good in my garden. Thanks, Libby, for writing.

  4. I remember how much I liked your other one too. Your shading is exquisite and your skill with the pastel is awesome

    1. Your work mesmerizes me, Julie, with your amazing wide-range skills, your color sense and the invention and use of the fracturing technique to great effect. Thank you for your thoughtful comments!

  5. Oh Carol, this is truly beautiful...I love the greens and the subtle lavenders in this piece! And I love the dark background...it makes this painting stand out beautifully. You can almost feel the softness of the petals...AMAZING work !!!!

    1. Thank you, Hilda! I'm thrilled you like it and glad you think the petals have a soft appearance. I was hoping that would come through.

  6. Gorgeous Carol! Your use of greens is phenomenal . . . all the touches of lavender are so subtle but make the greens resonate against that dark background. It's a knockout!

    1. Wow! Such kind words, Lorraine, for which I'm very grateful. Nature blows me away so often with the color combinations it uses. I think painters are lucky to be able to see these magical combinations!

  7. Wow! love those velvety succulent leaves, the colours are beautiful, love it!

    1. Thank you, Diana. I enjoyed working on it. Do you have these plants in Ireland?

  8. This is amazing. Really looks like a photo but much more beautiful from your hand!

    1. What a nice, uplifting comment, Carol. I appreciate your thoughtfulness! Good luck on your show in Nashville. Only wish I could see it in person.

  9. Your value control is super and the colors so beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. Hope things are well with you. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

  10. Once again , greens to die for, love the delicate variations.

    1. I'm happy you like it, Jean. I used Uart 800 paper. Gosh, I like that brand!!

  11. Hi Carol--Your cacti and succulents inspire me to paint some of the photos I got at our local conservatory; they have a great cactus and orchid room. I love your composition, colors and the texture of the leaves, very soft and pretty. I hope to get back to some painting this year. I can't believe it's 2014 already.

  12. Hi Carol--Your cacti and succulents inspire me to paint some of the photos I got at our local conservatory; they have a great cactus and orchid room. I love your composition, colors and the texture of the leaves, very soft and pretty. I hope to get back to some painting this year. I can't believe it's 2014 already.

  13. Hi Carol--Your succulents and cacti inspire me to paint the photos I took at our local conservatory. They have a great cactus and orchid room. I love the composition, colors and texture of your pastel, very soft and pretty. I can't believe it's 2014 already.

    1. Hi Melanie! Not only is it 2014, but January is gone already! I appreciate your kind comment. I'll be looking for your succulent painting(s). They are great fun to paint as they have such a wide range of hues and temps. I'll bet your photos from the cactus and orchid rooms are amazing!

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you, Susan! I hope you know how much I look forward to your posts! You have such a creative ability and a wonderful color sense! I enjoy your work very much!
