Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Surprise for southern Arizona!!

We knew that a rainstorm was in the forecast, but suddenly the flakes started falling - small, then large, then larger. My husband and I just stood at the windows watching, as excited as kids. We rarely get snow in our location and at our elevation (2500 feet) for any length of time. So this was quite different for us.
Today, the sun is out and the snow is gone. And, THAT was our winter.


  1. Snow and palm trees - unusual sight!
    Glad winter is almost over here in Pennsylvania.

    1. It is very unusual, Melanie, here in the southern part of the state. I know to you hardy people in the eastern states this is nothing! I admire your stamina and fortitude!

  2. Oh my goodness! Didn't realize your elevation either. It looks beautiful and fun but only for a little bit:)

    1. That's all it was, Libby. A brief, exciting few hours. But, a rare event made for lots of photos and discussion. We are back to normal now with no more snow/rain in sight.

  3. This is amazing, Carol!! Gosh, I really love your Winters..one day and winter is gone!! I hope it doesn't kill the plants...My husband's brother lives in Tucson...probably about 20miles North from you....Perfect weather as well!!

    1. There were some fatalities and damage done to some of the plant life. But, they'll slowly recover - most of them. I know you live where there are really, heavy-duty snowfalls, Hilda. You know what a real winter is!!

  4. What lovely photos. I really loved seeing them. We had the cold, but not the snow. We do need the moisture so that would have been nice.

    1. You're right about that, Julie. There never seems to be enough rain for us, does there?

  5. Really amazing Carol, good you took the photos so you can always remember the way it was :-) The weather really has gone mad everywhere !

    1. Very true! We've been very fortunate where we live, but some places have had the craziest, most unusual weather!

  6. How exciting to have snow in the desert! Your image was so intriguing on the thumbnail on my blog I couldn't figure out what it was. So good you got pictures! And thank you for your comment on my blog!

    1. You're most welcome, Lorraine. I look forward to each of your posts. I learn something from every one, and am inspired by the commitment you give to your painting.

  7. Carol , I see your snow and raise you 2 feet.Our last two snows have made us a community of all white. I love the delicate ice droplets captured on the cactus. How appropriate that the second cactus is in a heart shape, just in time for Valentines day.

    1. I know this is very little compared to what you Minnesotans go through in the winter. My hats off to all of you "Big Snow" people!
