Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Poppy Fest" 11" X 12" Pastel SOLD

"Poppy Fest" came together in a fun way. I am really liking this Uart paper I began using a couple of months ago. The process for this was a little different than my usual procedure mainly because of the underpainting.  I took some "in progress" photos as I thought you might like to see how it came together.
I have a product called Caran d'Ache Neocolor Watercolor Crayons. I bought them at a trade show long ago. They work just like regular crayons do except when you mist them with a fine spray of water they soften and blend into a watercolor wash. Above is the crayon coloring, and below is after I sprayed it with a mist of water.
Now, I like the randomness of washes so I let this one run and encouraged it by tilting the paper in different ways. At one point it got away from me, but that's okay. It gave me some nice areas on which to scumble  the pastel.
The watercolor has dried and with a white pastel pencil I drew the outlines of the shapes of the flowers and buds.
 The pastel work has begun, and I've managed to complete the first two poppies in the lower left corner and a little of the greenery. I played it rather loosely using mostly the side of the pastel. I tried to make the most central poppy the focal point, and blurred the other poppies a bit so they wouldn't steal the show. The end result is the painting at the top.



  1. So nice to see the process. I've never heard of watercolor crayons, but they look like a lot of fun. And I love the rich, rich reds of your final poppies.

    1. I hadn't either, Shirley, but I'm so glad I purchased them! The colors are nice and bright when wetted - perfect for poppies!

  2. Well, whatever you did and however you got there, you should do this again! What a great effect-it almost looks photographic in an interesting way. Beautiful, clear color. Really lovely.

    1. Thank you, Libby. I am anxious to try this approach again with a different subject matter and see what happens.

  3. I think this is one of your best pastel paintings, Carol. I love the progression of this piece and the finished painting is outstanding! LOVE IT!

    1. Thank you very much, Hilda! I think the underpainting added extra color to the piece as it shows through much of the pastel. I appreciate your comments!

  4. Whatever the media it is your skillful use of composition, drawing and warm/cool colors which make this painting a knockout. It is a beautiful painting and gave me a rush of pleasure when I saw it.

    1. Wow, Julie! Such kind remarks, and I am very grateful. Thank you so much!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Pam! I've been enjoying your "work in progress" photos you've done of "Chief." What a beautiful and magnificent animal. I like that you're painting him "in action." The buyer will have such a treasure!

  6. Hi Carol, These poppies are outstanding. Love the progression. Even seeing this I say "How did you do that".

    1. Thank you, Angela. So much, like the watercolor drips are happy accidents. Thank goodness for them!!

  7. The result is really stunning Carol, a true show stopper ! And great inspiration too, I never thought of using pastel over a watercolor, am absolutely going to try !

    1. Thank you so much, Jane. I hope you do try it. Pastel over watercolor enhances both mediums especially if some of the watercolor shows through. Please let me know how you liked the process and results when you try it. I'd love to see it!

  8. Just beautiful, Carol!!! Loved seeing your process and progression. So lush and rich!

    1. Thank you very much, Lorraine. I enjoyed pushing the color with this. My favorite combo - red and green - appears yet again! I appreciate you commenting!!

  9. Ok, I have to say I love this painting. Every time I love one of your paintings I need to buy it right away, because if I don't you will sell it! Good for you Carol. I do love this one. Some lucky person gets to enjoy that in their house. -Susanne-

    1. Such a nice compliment, Susanne. Very thoughtful of you, and I'm glad you like the painting.

  10. I'm glad I decided to check your blog today;the poppies are very pretty--a nice combination of realism and impressionism. I also appreciate the progression pictures. I wonder if this would work with watercolor pencils?

    1. I bet it would, Melanie. Actually, I used watercolor crayons (Caran d'ache) the spritzed with water. It runs with a mind of its own, but that's how you get the blended effects. Lots of fun. Thank you so much for commenting.
