Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"'Tis the Season" 6" X 6" Oil on panel SOLD

Ah, love is in the air! Even though it is only the first of February our local Mourning Doves are beginning their pairing up and nest-building. We had one couple a few years ago who ended up having over six "batches" (sets, litters, bunches, etc.) within about five months. They built their nest on top of the old alarm system off our patio. It's ancient and no longer active which is good for them.
This painting is for sale on Daily Paintworks in my gallery here:                                                                           


  1. Your little birds are always so sweet! What a good eye you have for their details, especially their eyes.

    Not sure if we have these type of doves here or not-we certainly had them in Concord. Their calls were really beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Libby, for the kind words. It amazes me how far-ranging these doves are. Maybe because they are so prolific they cover a big area.

  2. So beautiful. You did a great job on these..they look so alert and alive. And the colors in the feathers look soft and touchable. You made me smile.

    I love mourning doves. I love their call and the spots on their backs. They are so gentle. Unfortunately in our area they are being pushed out by aggressive white-wing doves. I've gotten to the point that I detest the white-wing doves. They are big pests.

    1. Hi Virginia. I appreciate your comments. You know, we have the same problem with the white-winged ones! They come a bit late in the season, but they just take over when they arrive. They are aggressive and mean. We do our best to shoo them away. I have no idea what their problem is!

  3. The colors and intimacy are so beautiful Carol. Interesting how these birds are not afraid of humans. We had a pair build a nest and have babies right outside our deck door one time. So fun to watch.
    Beautiful painting.

    1. Much appreciated, Carol! Like you, we have enjoyed them raising families where we can watch.

  4. I miss these birds Carol and these are a lovely reminder of the ones that nested in our trumpet vine when we were in AZ. There is something comforting about their soft sound and subtle colors.The color scheme is wonderful. You go girl.

    1. Thank you, Jean. Do you remember being awakened early in the morning by their cooing? I love it even if they start awfully early some days!

  5. Beautiful variety of colors bringing these two "love birds" to life!

    1. Rhonda, thank you so much! It is fun to "substitute" different colors for the same value.

  6. magnificent painting, Carol!! : )

  7. Thank you, Sadeu, for writing. I really appreciate the feedback. Hope all is well with you!

  8. What a lovely dove couple, he even seems protective of his beloved :-) Beautiful the yellow color of the wall.

  9. Thank you, Jane. They are very protective of each other. It really is very sweet how close they are.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, Maga. The reference photo was taken on our patio wall. The doves like to sit there in the morning hours.
