Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Early Morning Shadows" 12" X 12" Oil on canvasboard

I haven't done a landscape in quite awhile. I think it's the intimidation of "the enormous space" in a big scene with all the details included in the setting. I know this is probably (actually) irrational, but it's my trepidation in starting the task. It just seems "HUGE!" Most of my work focuses on the intimate view of an item. I love that! I feel much more confident in experimenting and know that I will finish it in a reasonable time. All of this being said, this scene pulled me in a personal way. As we were leaving the Monterey Peninsula last October we headed east on Hwy. 68 to Salinas in order to catch U.S. 101 south. It was early morning and the sun was just rising over the hills. There were plenty of nice, long shadows, and where the sun hit the meadows there were shades of green, brown and yellow. One couldn't have choreographed the light any better than it was that morning. I felt lucky to have been there to photograph it.  
This painting is for sale through Daily Paintworks at:                                                                  


  1. This landscape is beautifully painted, Carol! Wonderful greens. Great shadows! I love when I can photograph on the most perfect time of the day! Again, this is a gorgeous piece!

  2. Hilda, thank you very much! I felt fortunate that morning that we were there at the right time!

  3. Doesn't seem irrational to me at all! Seems like what I think every time-landscapes (and the distillation of their "landscapeness")are tough! You did a super job though especially with the light and shadows. And I just love that it is in an area of CA that I know:)

    1. Whew! So I'm not too far gone yet! Seriously, I appreciate the empathy! I knew you would know exactly where this place was! A beautiful spot!

  4. Well done! Those early morning shadows are lovely.

    1. Thank you so much, Virginia! I just couldn't believe how LONG they were. They stretched across the whole meadow.

  5. Love this painting, it draws the viewer in with a great composition and the colors are beautiful!

    1. Karen, thank you very much! So nice of you to comment!

  6. A beautiful capture of light. I, too, often find landscapes overwhelming. They really call upon our editing skills!

    1. You are exactly right, Shirley. I'm learning that slowly as I do more. I work to try to leave some "breathing room" for all the foliage. I don't think I accomplished that as much as I should have in this painting.
