Friday, September 16, 2011

Some Framing Completed

It has been a while since I last posted, and I've been busy adding the final step to completing a painting - framing! Gosh, so many choices to make, and sometimes the choices might depend upon the disposable income that's available. I want something to look professional and enhance the painting, but I also know that MY taste in frames might not be that of the buyer. So sometimes I go with a mat(s) and thin metal or wood frame. It shows nicely, and if the client chooses to have it reframed, they haven't lost the cost of a terribly expensive frame. The painting above is a pastel and has glass, so my apologies for reflections and the distortion caused by turning to avoid the reflections.
This painting is an oil so there's no glass. I chose a slight one-inch wood frame with some slight detail. It's a smaller size art piece (6" X 6") so a small frame works, I think.

You can always second-guess yourself about choices. There are many frames that would work and look pro, so you make the best decision you can. But, I must say it's a good feeling to have that piece you've been working on for sometime decked out in it's final regalia. It hides all those messy edges and gives it the final punch.


  1. All dressed up and ready to go! The frames really complete the piece don't they? So subjective though but your choices are great:)

  2. That's a good way to put it, Libby! I'm glad you like them.

  3. I love that red frame with the peaches! Both paintings are lovely!

  4. Thank you, Virginia. I'm happy with the results.

  5. They both look beautiful! Great choices for both. I also find it difficult to choose frames. Have been ordering online when they're on sale and recently got 4 that I'm not sure about, but they're inexpensive and can easily be replaced by a buyer. Frames make such a huge difference in impact with these little works . . .

  6. They really do, Lorraine. so many choices available. Sometimes, I find myself dilly-dallying about choices longer than is necessary. It's good to hear that others find it difficult, too.
