Wednesday, September 21, 2011

More Framing

Little by little I'm able to say "Finished!" to more of my work. (See previous post.) A very good feeling!



  1. All those frames are such good choices. I love the apple painting! And the mat on the the little wren gives it much more presence. Very nice!

  2. I thought about you yesterday as I was trying to select a frame for one of my prints. The frames make such a difference in the final look don't they? Your choices as shown are just super:)

  3. They all look great! I don't think I've seen the little bird at top or the yellow peppers before . . . wonderful! And your bird at bottom looks stunning framed. A frame really completes the work so effectively.

  4. Thank you, Libby! Yes, it does finish them off - a nice feeling!

  5. Thank you much, Lorraine! I "saved up" my paintings until I had enough for a sizeable order (saved on shipping). A couple of them have been patiently "waiting" for awhile!

  6. Hi Virginia, I thank you for writing...I agree with you about the bird. He needed something and I think the mat helped. Kind of WILD apples, yes?
