Monday, June 20, 2016

Ripe and Ready 12" X 24" oil on panel

As a child we used to travel in the summertime from Washington State 
to the Midwest to visit relatives. It seemed like a
long, long, long trip for my brother and me so my
mother would stop as often as possible to allow us to stretch and let off a little 
some of our pent-up energy.

No matter how often we found ourselves in
a rural area (it seemed like most of it was rural) we would find ourselves ready to stop at each and every fruit stand between Washington and Missouri!
Farmers would take their produce to a
stand or a pull out by the side of the road and sell it.  

They usually had everything from fresh corn to 
cherries, from apples and honey to peaches.
They were always perfectly ripe
and as juicy as could be.
We would get some
items for immediate consumption and save the rest for breakfast.

There still are a few stands left today if you travel the back-roads, but not nearly as many. 
I do miss that opportunity to get some fresh produce and
chat a bit with the local people. 

Hope you have a great week, and may the weather be pleasant wherever you are!
It's supposed to be 115 degrees here in Tucson today!
I told my husband this morning we need to go to Dubai to cool down.
 It's only going to be 105 there!

Click here to go to auction page.


  1. Wow. You got the color and the fuzz. And your darks hold me on the page. Just wonderful.

  2. Such a nice comment, Helen, and I thank you! I hope you are having a great summer so far! You live in such a beautiful part of California. The landscape up there would sure inspire me!! I can see the familiar California hills in your landscape paintings. I look forward to seeing your latest painting!

  3. Hi Carol, what a lovely still life. I agree with Helen about the color and fuzz. Also enjoyed your story too.

    1. I'm so glad you like it, Carol. It was a fun (and lengthy) one to do! As far as my story goes, there are some things I do miss from previous times. That was one of them. Thank you!

  4. I agree with Helen and Carol, love the peaches, but have to admit I ADORE the leaf hanging over the side of the bowl. It looks so real. I often see peaches painted well, but then they do not put the same effort into the leaves. Yours are all perfect.
    Also love the angle of shadow creating the white shape - it puts distance behind the bowl.
    Another wonderful painting, Carol. I always look forward to seeing your new posts..

    1. Thank you, Julie. Your comments are always encouraging and kind. Your latest painting of peonies is one of my favorites. You always do such justice to flowers from composition to details.

  5. This is outstanding Carol !!!! You can feel the fuzzy texture of these peaches !!!! SO well painted....LOVE this...
    I can't believe how hot it is in's supposed to reach 125 right? 79 in NY....I wish it would stay this temperature!

    1. You make me feel like a million bucks, Hilda! Thank you so much, kind friend! Ahhh...the temperatures. Set a record yesterday with 114 here, and today was supposed to be up there, too! Our monsoon will start in another week or so, and then we get humidity. Lots of it! We're so lucky to have air conditioning!

  6. What gorgeous color! Honestly, you really nailed both the color and the texture of those peaches. The bowl and wall color along with the white and gray all go perfectly together. What a winner!

    I love the "romance" of driving along back roads looking for the unexpected. Fruit stands are high on that list. It must have been a real test for a child though to sit still for any length of time. Parents just didn't think about flying anywhere in those days. car travel was the thing:)

    Great post, Carol. Thank you!

    1. Such a nice thing to say, Libby! The photo had a charcoal-colored background which looked very nice, but you know me and color! In fact, look at the color of this blog! I'm with you on the back-roads idea! It's so cool what you come across at times!

  7. Lovely painting such beauties, I wish I could get locally produced fruit here by the side of the road, sounds heavenly and a bit of your heat too please!

    1. We have all the heat you want, Diana! I'd love to send you some - maybe about 25 degrees? About how warm does it get in Ireland in the summer? It was certainly pleasant for travel back long ago when we were there! I agree about the fruit stands by the road. Everything is so fresh, and often the sellers give sample to taste! Thank you so much for your thoughtful words!

  8. Just gorgeous Carol. Your peachy colors make these peaches look good enough to eat.
    Love those fruit markets. We fortunately still have several around here. Hope you are doing your best to beat the heat! Take care friend. Hugs!

    1. Those little fruit stands were one of the things we looked forward to on the long trip! We'd pull over to the side of the road when we got hungry and choose one of our purchases to eat! I think when all the interstate highways went in was the turning point.
      Lots of little restaurants, grocery stores and gas stations on the back roads no longer had the drive-by traffic. Some changes are often melancholic. Thanks so much for your comment, Debbie!

  9. Very beautiful, Carol! Makes me want to reach out and taste one!

    1. :) (smiling) That's such a special comment, Linda, and I thank you! We eat a lot of oranges in this house. Nothing like a cold, juicy, sweet, meaty orange for a snack! I'm glad they grow here!

  10. Beautiful painting, Carol!!! I always marvel at your ability to capture texture! The fuzz is amazing. Love the background color as the stage for the peaches. And was it intentional to make the white shape on the right look like a "road" because of your childhood memories? :)

  11. Hi Lorraine! Thank you for the encouraging thoughts. It's always an honor to hear from you as I value your opinion highly. You bring up a good point. Really, I didn't plan to make the white area resemble a road, but I wish I had. It offers a suitable analogy I think...see! Your creative mind at work!

  12. Wow those peaches just jump off the canvas Carol! Love their brilliant colours!...beautiful

    1. THe colors were one of the fun parts, Helen. I think it has to do with the blue/green playing against the red/orange.

      I am very much enjoying your current series with the cricket batsmen! THey are striking in their contrasts between dark and light, sun and shadow! THank you for commenting, my friend!
