Monday, May 2, 2016

Chestnut-Backed Chickadee 6" X 6" oil on panel

                                                                 Another bird!
I have really enjoyed painting these small critters.
I can see how bird-watchers can be
so adamant about what they do. It sort of "catches" you after awhile.

I'd love to have some feeders and watch them as they do their thing, but feeders bring Pack Rats who then bring snakes, and since we have a generous share of 
Rattlesnakes in this area I'll forego the observations
that concern feeding the birds.

Hope your week has started well, and you'll enjoy the rest of it.
Happy Painting!


  1. Hi Carol, your little chickadee is adorable. I put out some feeders for the first time and it's been fun to see who comes to visit them. I'm wondering if we had a bear come by the other night because the pole was being dug out and pushed over. We have had a bear around here recently and I'm told he likes bird seed. LOL I hope you are having a great week.

    1. Hi Carol,
      It sounds as though the bear may be the guilty party alright. he would be strong enough to push the pole over. Interesting that he likes seeds, but then again he probably eats them in the wild, too. It is fun to watch the feeders and see what the birds do. They are hilarious at times, right?

  2. What a wonderful painting. I wish I had this little wonder come to my feeders. Love that EYE!!! You are so good at these little critters.
    I had no idea that the feeders bring the pack rat - in turn attracts the rattlesnakes. We get the rattlers every year without the feeders so I will watch out even more. We get the roadrunners and they catch the pack rats too.
    Life in the dessert!

    1. Thank you, Julie! I couldn't resist him at all, and he was definitely fun to do. Yes, the packrats get up inside the engine compartment of cars here if you don't have a garage door. Then, they chew the wiring. Snakes will eat the packrats. It's a real food chain thing. It took me awhile - a woman from the Pacific Northwest where there are no rattlesnakes - to get used to looking out for them! Your painting with the Van Gogh cloth still is giving me goosebumps! Seeing that plus your personal things you brought to the painting really impacted me!

  3. You are on a roll with the sweet little birds! I like how this one is balanced on the branch. You wonder just how light the birds really are. Beautiful coloring too-soft edges and I love the cool and warm colors together against the neutral background.

    I am not so much for anything that attracts more snakes!

    1. I greatly appreciate your comment, Libby, and agree that these little birds seem so fragile and delicate. I can't get over their tiny, thin little legs that hold them up! Nature amazes me so often. Thank you for commenting on the edges. I have a tendency to paint hard edges and have been trying to make them much softer. I think in nature soft edges are more natural.

  4. This little guy looks so delicate. Painted perfectly. And thankfully the only snakes around our home are gopher snakes! Feed and watch my quail all the time.

    1. Helen, what a nice compliment. I really appreciate your kind words. We have a lot of delicate-looking birds like finches, sparrows, chickadees, hummers, etc. Yes, gopher snakes or bull snakes are definitely my preference over rattlesnakes! Here, people call the Fire Dept. when they have a snake on the property. The firemen come and pick them up with big tong-like things, put them into a box and turn them loose in the desert. I just hope it is way out of town.

  5. This is a gem of a painting, what beautiful plumage this bird has. I can understand why you don't want to feed them, rattlesnakes eeeh!

    1. Thank you, Diana, for your thoughtful comments! I wonder what kinds of birds you have where you live in Ireland. Are some of them sea birds? I loved your painting of the old-fashioned kitchen appliance you found! The color and condition of it seemed almost perfect.

  6. Such a beautiful painting ... you've captured its personality! So much good work you've done. I love the subtlety in the diptych, the soft diffuse light. And I love the abstract—such great nuances of textures, light and motion. It's always a treat to visit your blog.

    1. Hi Lorraine! I think about you so often!I hope you're busy painting and enjoying everything! I love your interest in older architecture! These buildings all have personalities like birds do! Some are strong, some are quirky, some are plain, some are fancy.

  7. Oh Carol this is my most favorite bird next to the hummingbird. You have done a beautiful job on him. Yikes Rattlesnakes would deter me from feeding too. We have very few poisonous snakes where I live. Copperheads being the most likely here although I have never spotted one. Thank you too for always taking time to stop and visit me. It is so nice you do.

    1. It's always MY pleasure to visit your blog, Debbie! I look forward to your posts, and I really do take away a peacefulness from your words and photos. I enjoyed your painting as well. Just exquisite. I hope you frame it and put it on display!

  8. This is a beautiful painting of the bird Carol! The colors and texture is amazing! More birds please!

    1. Thank you so much, Hilda. He does have a distinguished coat, doesn't he?! I probably will find more birds to paint as they are a pleasure. Your latest pastel portrait is phenomenal! The skin tones and textures are perfect!

  9. Replies
    1. Karen, thank you for your kind comment! Your latest paining of the roses in the jar really was stunning! Beautiful lighting and brushwork!

  10. Hi Carol,
    I just wanted to tell you that I can't seem to get into your latest painting "Landon's Rose"..
    But I love the story and painting..getting flowers is wonderful..getting flowers from your grandson...PRICELESS!!! (I love the rich yellow!) and I love the gorgeous purple flowers in "Reaching"...beautiful work.

  11. Hilda, that was all on his own. I felt so honored. I'm sorry you had some trouble getting a picture. I hope it will work it out. Thank you for your thoughtful comments! You're so great!

  12. Delightful! It makes me happy to look at this painting!

    1. Hi Susan,
      I am grateful for your sweet comment. Birds delight me as well! I loved reading about your trip to Amsterdam! And, having your family there with you was special. Thanks also for the photos you posted. So much history there! And, great art to see!!

  13. Carol, this is a gorgeous painting! I really admire and appreciate your talent. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. What a kind thing to say! I am grateful to you, and I look forward to reading YOUR blog posts as well! Thank you!

  14. Beautiful painting Carol! The suggestion of feathers is outstanding!

    1. Thank you, Helen! Painting birds is so relaxing and enjoyable for me. Each one has their own personality. I am so in awe of your ability to paint items/people where motion is taking place. You can capture that movement so authentically!

    2. Thank you, Helen! I enjoy painting these little guys. Each one has a unique personality that's fun to try and capture. I really enjoyed your latest post showing Australian football.You captured the motion involved in that with great authenticity.

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    1. Welcome, Bogdan. It was good of you to write. I hope you will enjoy the posts about my journey with art. Do you also enjoy art?
