Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Within" 8" X 8" Pastel on UArt

Happy New Year everyone!
I hope 2016 will be a great year for all you try to do!

I continue to experiment with abstracts based on 
real-life items or parts of them, similar to the agave abstract in the previous post.
Basing the abstract on something real gives me a starting place
for this new direction.

About a year ago my son took a photo of a rose
he saw while walking. 
I loved the colors and the way the petals kind of
swept around the center. Here is his photo of the original rose.

I'm hoping to become familiar enough with the components and arrangement of shapes, line, value, color, etc. to feel confident in designing my own abstracts.
To that end, I've ordered two books from Amazon.
One is written by Chris Cozen called " Acrylic Color Explorations," and
the other is a new book coming out in February called
"Bold Expressive Painting" by Annie O'Brien Gonzales.

Both women use abstract, semi-abstract or abstract expressionism design
in their mixed-media work.


  1. This has such a beautiful range of warm and delicate cool colors Carol. Yes, I can see your cropping and like your choices.
    The books sound interesting and I will look forward to seeing what you do with what you learn. Fun way to start the new year.

    1. You're right, Julie. I do look forward to the books. It's always fun to see new information and ways of doing things. Thank you for your nice comments.

  2. The color of the rose is indeed gorgeous and special, wonder what scent it has too ? You did a great job in depicting it , the petals are perfect and there is a beautiful shine ! Wishing you a wonderful, happy , creative and serene New Year !

    1. Thank you, Jane, for your nice words. I enjoyed the process and learned some things! I hope to one day try an abstract like many you have painted. They are always so exciting!

  3. Roses of any sort are just so gorgeous. And your abstraction turned out wonderfully-you retained the beauty and pattern of the original arrangement but also created another sort of view with your abstraction. It's a great idea.

    Good luck with your new books. Report back!

    1. I don't know, Libby, if this is officially an abstract, but I called it one because of the components. Nature is amazing with all its abstract patterns, isn't it?!

  4. Oh Carol. How lovely. I had to look for quite some time before I saw how dramatic the use of darks in the corners is. They frame your lovely petals beautifully. A very complicated work that came out just wonderful!

    1. What thoughtful comments, Helen. This one was a difficult one because of the many different sections. I got lost in a few of them. I still hope to become much freer in this style letting things just flow and not let preciseness rule.

    2. Smiling away. Let me know if you find the secret to that.

    3. Yes, I know what you mean! :) Smile!

  5. This is so impressive Carol. Painting flowers is so difficult for me and I always love seeing other artists painting them. I compared yours to the reference photo and you did an outstanding job! The colors, values are wonderful! LOVE it.....

    1. Thank you, Hilda. I agree flowers can be difficult to paint. I've painted them in pastel and oil both and either way it's a challenge! What you do with your paintings is amazing! The colors, texture, values and subject matter are all so challenging, and you have excelled at it all! Plus, you know the medium so well - all it's quirks and characteristics!

  6. Love the ref photo you used and what you did with it. I love buying art books, so inspirational and just plain delightful to browse through, one almost can't have too many good art books.

    1. That's exactly what I think, Diana! The problem is with each new book I order I tell myself THIS will be the last purchase for a long time. HA! Then I receive an ad with a new publication and I can't help myself. I crumble!

  7. Gracious Carol - this is so beautiful. Using the rose as a starting point is a great way to see the abstract in something that one sees often. Looks like 2016 is starting out excellently for you friend. Take care and have a blessed week. Hugs!

    1. Such a sweet comment, Debbie, and I thank you! Truly, I hope this year I can post more regularly. I loved the sketch you recently did. I can see why you were drawn to it - all those luscious, twisting curves had me immediately! You have a good eye and must have so much fun on your walks!

  8. What a wonderfully inspirational post Carol! I've been wanting to explore the abstract shapes of shapes etc. Thank you for putting it into words!

    The painting of the rose is just lovely as is the snap your son took! Beautifully done.

    And thank you so very much for the very kind comment you left on Howie! Much appreciated!

    Again, Happy New Year and Happy Creating

    1. Oh Suzanne, I hope you will try abstract painting. Once you start you start to see possible designs in almost everything from old wooden chairs to a pair of scissors!

      Thank you for commenting, and I look forward to seeing your work this year! My gosh, it's mid-January already!! Take care, my friend!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Karen! You do such beautiful work!

  10. Carol, thank you for commenting on my blog. I think you are doing BEAUTIFUL work!! Look forward to seeing more!!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Elizabeth. I certainly look forward to your posts as well. I am trying to create some abstract work, and your beautiful art pieces have been such an inspiration!
