Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Just Hangin' Pastel 7" X 10" SOLD

My grandmother had a plum tree in her yard when we were kids. It was a great "climbing tree" and was so lovely in the spring with all the flowers on it. Of course, in the summer we very much enjoyed all the juicy, fresh fruit, and we would take many boxes of them to the cannery and process them for winter.

Available HERE.


  1. Love the colors in this piece. Sweet memories too!

    1. Thank you, Carol! It was a fond memory. I wonder if that tree is still there.
      I enjoy the paintings you do. I know your clients will all love their commissioned paintings. You did an outstanding job of handling the black on the Angus cows. It's difficult to get value changes with black, but you managed it well, and the green fields add interest and variety as well.

  2. Love the memories and how they are all lined up! Beautifully done.

    1. Thanks, Helen. I thought about calling it "Zip Line" but finally settled on "Just Hangin." Looking forward to seeing your art in this brand new year! It's always a treat!

  3. Such a dynamic design - add the great colors and this one is another winner!
    Happy memories are priceless, aren't they?
    Wishing you a wonderful new year.
    Thank you for the past year of your amazing work...still in awe of your greens!

    1. Such nice comments, Julie. I appreciate it. Yes, memories are priceless indeed. My grandma tended her garden all her life. It was such a blessing for her and us as well.

  4. I think everyone's grandmother must have had a plum tree! And a fig tree, too. It was required:)

    Gorgeous color as always and I love the "weight" of those plums. A wonderful design.

    Have a Happy New Year, Carol. Here's to a wonderful 2015:)

    1. Your comment made me smile, Libby! I think everybody's grandmother really DID have a plum tree. Especially in my home town. I'm glad the weight of the plums actually is apparent. The branches had to have been awfully strong to hold the number of plums on them! Thanks for writing and Happy New Year to you, my friend!!

  5. Dear Carol - a beautiful painting to go with a lovely memory. Have a Happy New Year. Will be looking forward to more visits with you in 2015. Hugs!

    1. Thank you very much, Debbie, for dropping by and commenting. I enjoyed your first post of the year with the cardinal. It's always nice to be reminded that Spring is out there. Have a wonderful and blessed new year, Debbie.

  6. What great colors in this! Happy creative new year to you!

    1. Thanks so much, Rhonda. And, the very same to you, my poetic friend! One of the reasons I like pastel so much is because of the instant color. One can go as bright or as low key as wanted or stay right in the middle!

  7. Those plums look delicious and so juicy, what wonderful memories you have of them. I wish you too a Happy New Year and many more happy memories. Thanks again for all your kind comments on my blog they are much appreciated!

    1. Thank YOU, Diana, for providing such beautiful works of art. I'm in awe as I look at your paintings of your creative and skilled talent. Happy New Year to YOU!!!

  8. The glow in the way you have used color here is so great! Nice design and a lovely piece

    1. Mary, what a nice thing to say, and it's much appreciated. I have admired your work for some time, and the way you use color and the softness of your edges. You're a masterful artist! Have a great 2015!

  9. I have a plum tree like this in my garden in Denmark, just the best plums I know :-) Beautifully rendered , perfect colors . Wishing you a very Happy New Year !

    1. Hello Jane! That's so cool that you, too, have a plum tree in your garden. Fruit trees are always a bit of a miracle to me. How they offer beauty and sustenance throughout their cycle. I sincerely wish you the very best in the new year. May you have much satisfaction in your life and in your art!! Thank you for being such a great blogging friend!

  10. Oh Carol...this is truly beautiful. The vibrant colors are amazing and I can feel the texture on the fruit..SO well done! Those memories of a plum tree in grandmas yard is priceless! Happy New Year my friend!!!!

    1. Hi Hilda, and the very same to you! I hope you have a marvelous year with good health, many painting opportunities and a host of blessings. I appreciate your very thoughtful comments here and throughout the past year. The plum tree was a nice memory to rekindle, my friend.
