Friday, June 20, 2014

Little Big Bird 8" X 8" Pastel SOLD

This photo is one from Morguefile, a great resource for artists. I was charmed by the little bird's pose and expression. I have no idea what kind of bird it is...just that he makes me smile.

The more I work with Pastelmat the more I am impressed. It feels smooth to the touch, comes in different colors but holds an enormous amount of pastel. It takes a wet wash beautifully with little or no warping. It's a winner in my mind.

Daily Paintworks will have this painting for auctionbeginning Saturday, June 21.
Click HERE.


  1. When I saw the small thumbnail image in my feed, this little guy just jumped right off the screen! So vibrant! He does have a sweet little face doesn't he?

    The Pastelmat looks interesting. I read that it will work with wet media also which is future food for thought:)

    1. Yes, Pastelmat works well with watercolor, thin acrylic washes, etc. I know you'd love it to experiment. Thanks for commenting, Libby!

  2. How precious, this little guy would be welcome in my yard anytime! Your use of colors in the yellow/orange family is excellent, not always easy to get shadows and highlights just right. Very excellent work

    1. Thank you, Jean! I was worried the purplish color looked too drab, but I know it shows off the little guy with it's value. Thank you for writing!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rhonda! Glad you like him/her, and I appreciate you taking the time to write! I think your watercolor hydrangea is exquisite! So many lovely shades of blue and purple. I love that you painted the view up close.

  4. Be still my beating heart!
    How wonderful.
    Perfect in every way.
    Congratulations, Carol. I love this little guy.

    1. You're so funny, Julie! Your comments were very kind and made me feel good. Thank you!

  5. I loved this little bird from the moment I saw it. I look forward to more. I wonder if pastel mat works for acrylic? It sounds great. And thanks for reminding me about morguefile - I hate the name so always flush it out of my mind. :(

    1. Hi Sea,
      I have used thinned acrylic on Pastelmat as an underpainting. With pastel one doesn't want to fill up the sanded surface too much because the pastel won't adhere. But, if you're doing a straight acrylic painting I should think it would work. A sanded surface is hard on nice brushed though. Thank you so much for writing!!

  6. This is delightful! Makes me smile. I did visit Morguefile and saw the photo there! Lovely translation in pastel!

    1. Thank you, Lorraine. I'm glad you came away with a smile. I do, every time I see him. What a cheery creature!

  7. Nicely done. I really like the power of that strong for that pretty little one perched on it!

    1. I appreciate your comment, Helen! Your thought about the branch is interesting. You're absolutely correct! Little bird, BIG branch!

  8. Love your "little big bird." He's very cheerful.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. He was so enjoyable to paint!
