Monday, March 31, 2014

Early Arrivals 8" x 8" Pastel on PastelMat

Recently, an artist friend won First Place in a local art show put on by our local Art League. Several of us have an "art get-together" once a week where we all work on our current projects, so we saw her beautiful painting come to life over the weeks.

We had a simple celebration party for her at the following weekly get-together. We had a tulip bouquet on the table to celebrate our friend, the arrival of Spring, and friendship in general. These tulips were from the bouquet.

The painting will be auctioned on the DailyPaintworks website beginning tomorrow, April 1. (Seriously.) Click  HERE for the link.


  1. WOW! These tulips are fantastic! I love the background as well. carol! I love using pastelbord for portraits as well!

    1. Thank you, Hilda! It's kind of WILD, but it was fun to do. You do a wonderful job with your portraits. The skin tones are always perfect!

  2. Gorgeous results and texture. How nice too for your friend and to be able to get together like that once a week:)

    1. It is fun, Libby, and helpful. I get inspired and a chance to see the work of others. The women are all very special.

  3. Really beautiful!! I saw the thumbnail on my blog and thought "oh my!"

    1. It is kind of wild, isn't it?! The colors made me think of lemon drops and cotton candy. Thanks so much for commenting!

  4. Carol, love the clarity of the yellows and so dynamically set off by the vibrant background. Just the lift we need after yet another hail,rain and snowstorm , yes, Spring will eventually come.

    1. It must seem like forever to you since you've had sunshine and flowers and green grass. What a brutal winter! Thank you for your kind words, Jean. I appreciate them so much!

  5. Replies
    1. Such a nice comment, Carol! Thank you! It was so wonderful to see the tulips arrive at the store. A sure sign of Spring!

  6. Wow, I really love the yellow tulips against the rose colored background, a stunning painting !

    1. Jane, thank you so much! I always admire the many flowers and bouquets you paint in oil or watercolor. You are a master of shadows and color!

  7. Spring is always so long awaited and these tulips are so pretty, I love your choice of backgrounds, makes for such a joyous painting.

    1. I appreciate that, Diana! I grew up in the Northwest part of the U.S. and tulip and daffodil growing was a big deal! We used to have a daffodil parade, tours of the bulb farms and so many photo ops for the amateur photographer. Tulips and daffodils both have come to represent SPRING ARRIVAL for me.

  8. Your tulips are beautiful and I love that pink background.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I was really taken with your work shown on your blog. Many are nicely vibrant and make me smile!

  9. Replies
    1. Sunny, thank you so much! I have been enjoying your latest paintings with the beautiful blues/aquas you chose. My favorite colors. Wish I could take a class from you and learn your techniques!!
