Monday, September 16, 2013

Mt. Lemmon Morning 8" X 16" Oil on linen panel

Mt. Lemmon near Tucson offers a nice break from the intense temperatures we get in the summer months. It's a great place to hike, picnic or camp and the pine trees and running streams offer a refreshing break.

The colors in the rocks were fun to play with, and although the reference photo taken by my son who often hikes in the area showed very lush and dense vegetation, I tried to cut back on the amount I put in the painting. Only after completion did I realize I situated the rocks right smack-dab in the center. Hmmm!

This painting will be available beginning  tomorrow, September 17th in an auction at DailyPaintworks.
Click HERE to go to their website.


  1. Wherever you put those rocks, they are beautiful! The scene is a nice mix of desert and what looks like a more forest-y type of landscape. Very nice:)

    1. It is a mixture of both, Libby. It has a higher elevation than Tucson and the Sonoran desert in general, so there is a lot of different vegetation. Lots of pine trees and a definite forest feel. It really is a beautiful place! Thank you, Libby, for commenting.

  2. I just got back from Arizona and know Mt.Lemmon well! I didn't go to Tucson this time but have hiked there in the past (not too much since it was so hot!) I love how the light is hitting the rocks, looks amazing! Wonderful work!!

    1. Thank you, Hilda. Mt. Lemmon is a very popular retreat when the temperatures are high in Tucson. It gets snow in the winters also, but no skiing. Greg's photo appealed to me because of the light on the rocks. Much reflected light there as well. I hope you enjoyed your Arizona trip. I appreciate your comments very much!

  3. I love this place and you have captured it perfectly. What an amazing painting.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed Mt. Lemmon, Julie. When the streams are running and the natural pools fill it's a wonderful oasis for so many!

  4. Lovely painting! It doesn't matter that the rocks are in the center . . . the whole thing holds together beautifully. Wonderful light on your subject. Great choices in what you chose to subdue. I appreciate your comment on my blog—I start with a visual intention and then seem to stray away, don't maintain it. You have phenomenal skills already! but, I know—there's always something deeper to aspire to.

    1. Lorraine, you are so kind in your comments. You have boosted me up many times, and I treasure what you have to say. I have learned so much from you. You make me feel like a partner in this artful journey.

  5. Me encanta este cuadro, las rocas muy conseguido los colores.Te sigo a partir de hoy.Saludos.

    1. Gracias! Me alegro te guste. Me alegro de que van a seguir este blog.
