Wednesday, July 10, 2013

In the Spotlight 6" X 8" Pastel

I really enjoyed working on these grapes. I used my favorite surface of Wallis paper. For quite a while Wallis was hard to purchase. The company was having some difficulty with suppliers, as I understand, but it looks now as if things are well. I'm glad as it is my "Wonder Paper." It accepts so much pastel, has a great texture, accepts water-based paint like watercolor or acrylic for under-paintings and is forgiving when it comes to making changes.

Click here to go to the auction site.


  1. First of all Carol..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Next month it will be my 46th! We're both lucky ladies!
    Actually, they are the lucky ones..LOL
    These grapes are amazing...probably one of your best...very realistic. The dark background is perfect for bringing out the grapes!!!

    1. Hilda, thank you for your comment AND your good wishes. Doesn't time go buy fast? I'll think of you next month with your anniversary coming up. Yes, it does work both ways doesn't it?! We're ALL lucky.

      Your praise is very generous. This painting just seemed to come together easily. It was fun.

  2. The grapes glow beautifully. You are so good at capturing the light, Carol. I especially love the cooler color of the grapes underneath in the shadow.

    Congratulations on 48 years. Oh MY!

  3. Well, congratulations on your anniversary! That is a wonderful accomplishment. Lucky indeed:)

    And what a beautiful rendition of those grapes. You did a great job lighting them and the background is very dramatic.

    The paper accepts watercolor and acrylics? I wonder if it would tear up the brush? Any thoughts on that would be appreciated. I am always looking for new surfaces:)

    1. Thanks, Libby. I use watercolor and thinned acrylics as an under-painting. And, sometimes I just mist a pastel under-painting with a spray jar and let it bleed into interesting shapes and patterns. Then, I add the pastel. However, when I use another sanded surface called Pastelbord for my oils I am cautious as it does wear down the brushes as I'm painting the whole surface right up to the finished product.

  4. Gorgeous! Your use of light is absolutely exquisite!

  5. Very nice, Carol. Love the lighting on the grapes. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary also. It was 40 years for me this year.

    1. Melanie, you deserve congrats as well! I think every anniversary is special. It's amazing how long it sounds, but it doesn't seem like that amount of time. Thank you for your kind words about the painting as well.

  6. Ah my favourite subject! Very well done, using a different technique than I'm used to. Just painting a bunch myself at the moment.
