Monday, May 20, 2013

Night Raider 12" X 12" Oil on canvasboard

I have a love/hate relationship with raccoons. They're interesting, quiet and have amazing dexterity. On the other hand they are definitely scavengers, and no regular household garbage container could keep them out, at least back in the days when we lived in "raccoon territory." Every night we'd hear the cans being turned over and had to allow extra time in the mornings before work to pick up what they left behind. They'd come right up to the windows in the french doors and peer into the room where we watched television. Once we left the door open just a bit and they stuck their little paws into the room searching for treats.

Yet, the nuisance factor aside, we were hard-pressed to hold it against them. The "cute-factor" got to us in the end.


  1. They sure are a mixture of trouble and cuteness aren't they? Your little guy looks very sweet:) Great job as always-his expression is just right!

    1. Thank you, Libby. We have very few of them here as I think there are too many predators for them. Kind of rough out there!!

  2. You are right Carol - the cute factor is high! Very high!!
    I love the way you gave such personality to the expression. This one could stick their paw in my door anytime.

  3. He is so adorable..and painted beautifully, just have to love those beautiful "raccoon" eyes! We don't have too many of them around here...we only have squirrels!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Hilda. Their markings are really vivid and distinctive, aren't they?
