Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Taking It All In" Pastel 8" X 11"

This little girl is committed wholeheartedly to giving her instructor her full attention. With that approach I bet she'll be very successful!


  1. First of all ...she's gorgeous!!! I love the pink/lavender and how you darkened the bottom of the "tutu"...a beautiful piece, Carol!!

  2. Your portraits of children are always so sweet. And it does look like she is paying attention to something or someone out of the frame. Very nicely done:)

  3. This is truly beautiful, the little girl really seems to give someone all her attention. Gorgeous colors and light. How do you keep the colors on a pastel ? I am so ignorant on the subject, just wondered because when I once tried pastel like in another century LOL, I remember that the colors just 'fell' everywhere.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Jane. The surfaces they have nowadays for pastel are marvelous and usually hold a lot. With the grittier papers a LOT of pastel can be applied. When I'm finished with the painting I give it several slaps on the back to knock off any loose pastel dust. Than, I wrap it in glassine paper until it's framed. Pastel can be messy to work with, but when it's finished you can minimize the loose dust.

  4. Very pretty. I love the colors and the background makes the figure of the girl just pop forward. Another technical question: Do you use a fixative at all?


    1. Thank you, Melanie. I only use fixative during the painting process - never at the end. I use it occasionally as it allows me to put additional pastel on after the tooth of the paper starts to fill. It does alter colors though, so that's why I never use it at the end. In the middle of the process it doesn't matter so much as you can adjust it.

  5. You have portrayed this little girl so beautifully, love the colours and the light on her hair.

  6. Carol, don't know how I missed this precious little girl, what an excellent mood you captured with the color and the light. You just want to hug her.

    1. Thanks so much, Jean. She does look so eager, doesn't she? Reminds me of some of my former students the first day of school. :)

  7. She looks very focused. Reminds me when I used to teach karate to kids her age. The girls always seemed more intent than the guys lol. Nice pastel painting.


    1. Thank you very much, Randall. There's nothing like that focus you mention if you're a teacher of something. Their hearts are really in it!
