Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Black Tie" 6" X 12" Pastel SOLD

This little hummer is from a photo my husband took awhile back. He commented that it's unusual for a hummingbird to sit still for as long as it took to get the photo. I just fell in love with him sitting out by himself so dignified and tiny. I liked the rock star spiked hair (feathers) on top.

I worked this on a piece of black Art Spectrum paper. I liked the way the pastel let some of the black show through. It worked well on the body of the bird as there were black specks showing through in the original photo. I then decided to see what would happen if I scumbled color in the background. I didn't have any iridescent pastels, but I think the turquoise and gold pastels worked nearly as well to add a bit of shine. I think an off-white mat or double-mat would add a light border around the painting, then maybe a thin wood frame around it all.

"Black Tie" is part of the DPW auction to help with Hurricane Sandy relief. 100% of the sale of this painting will be given to the American Red Cross to help with this effort.


  1. You created iridescence to my eye. I love this little fellow.

    1. Oh, Shirley. Sweet choice of words...thank you!

  2. This one should be a keeper, Carol.
    Everything about it is great. The design, the color harmony and the iridescence you captured make it special.

    1. I'm happy you like it, Julie. I appreciate your kind comments.

  3. I thought at first that you did use iridescent paint but I think maybe that is the effect of the black, green, and orange all playing together. Can't believe that your husband got such a good shot of this little guy either. They don't stay still for very long do they? The piece turned out great though. I hope you do some more with that black paper.

    1. Thank you, Libby. I like Art Spectrum paper very much, but I had never used the black before. I was surprised to find it in my stash. I definitely plan to use more of it.

  4. Beautiful pastel painting, Carol! Art Spectrum paper is wonderful. It allows you to layer the pastels over and over!!

    1. Hilda, so nice to hear from you. Art Spectrum is high on my list, also! It's very versatile.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Stephanie! The latest painting you posted on your blog has captured my heart! Beautiful colors and great texture! Love it!!
