Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Re-do of "Loose Ends" 6" X 6" Pastel

You may remember awhile back I posted a new pastel titled "Loose Ends." Well, it's been sitting on my shelf where I keep my unframed art, and I've been able to "look" at it for several weeks. I thought today I might change a few things about it to kind of "freshen it up."

I defined the stems a bit more and used a few more warm greens. I also modified the background color to a cooler color, kind of a light turquoise. The shadows had to be changed as they had been drawn with a deep-valued gold color to go with the yellow background. Now, they have a deeper turquoise tint.

Lastly, I added highlights (I had forgotten them completely the first time (Duh!) in a cool, pinkish red. Below, is the original post. I like the updated version better, but in all honesty, how do YOU feel? Your feedback is always welcome!


  1. Amazing difference, Carol. I loved it before and yet adding the reflections, deeper background and color made it pop out. wonderful change!!

    1. Thanks, Hilda! It's interesting how artistic decisions seem okay at the time, then later you look at it differently.

  2. I think they both have their merits. The redo is nice though because of the extra "oomph" of the nearly aqua blue background and the little highlights. I suppose there are probably lots of little "fixes" like that you might have chosen but as long as you are happy with it things should be just fine:)

    1. You're right, Libby. There are many ways to go. I'm terrible about not using my color wheel. Certainly, it would be beneficial to use it more! On the re-do I actually consulted the wheel and came up with this combo which is a variation of the split complimentary scheme. I guess this decision, then, has some scientific data behind it.

  3. Love the new version! The cooler turquoise background is a better contrast with the red radishes, and the highlights really bring it to life.

    1. I think the turquoise does make the radishes a little more "zingy," also. As for the highlights, HOW could I have forgotten them the first time???

  4. I like them both Carol, and for different reasons but I am glad YOU like the latest one. Part of the wonderful thing about being an artist is the joy of discovery along the way. Every time you are able to "see" a change you want to try and expand on an older piece, means your creative vision is in full throttle. I have made changes and then thought, I should have left it alone, but other times I have made a significant change for the better. Not knowing until the doing is all part of this terrific
    Job description!

    1. Very well-said, Julie, and right on! Change IS part of the process. So good to be reminded of that. Sometimes my changes, also, are not successful, but I am pleased with this one. Thanks for writing!

  5. Oh yes, the updated one with the highlights is just perfect, so much more alive.. beautiful work .

    1. Thank you, Jane. I think the blue did brighten it up a bit.

  6. Love everything about this; the composition, reds and aquas.

    1. Karen, I really appreciate your input. It's very helpful to get feedback from others. I think sometimes I tend to overthink things and need fresh opinions.

  7. I like them both but I think I like the second version the best. That lovely cool blue background is just the right touch.

    1. I felt the same way, Shirley.
      Thank you for commenting!
