Friday, July 13, 2012

"Communal Living" 6" X 8" Pastel

This is an example of Squatter's Rights.  Our many Mourning Doves in the area generally throw a few twigs together on a ledge or in a bush and hope for the best. Even the slightest breeze often carries away the materials. The dove couple that laid these eggs must have seen an opportunity to move into a Thrasher nest and immediately took advantage of the moment. Thrashers build fairly substantial and sturdy nests within the branches of the Cholla cactus for protection.  These doves can taste an upscale life for awhile.


  1. Once again you found a lot of great colors wherever you looked! And you really captured the textures of the basket materials.

    Doves are so sweet. I sure hope they enjoy their new digs for awhile:)

    1. Thank you, Libby. Nests are fascinating to me! Without any hands, these birds are able to weave such a variety of things into a sturdy and amazing shelter. Remarkable!

  2. Replies
    1. Carlene, that's the fun part of pastel! All those incredible colors to choose from! Thank you!

  3. A beautiful pastel, Carol!! These colors are absolutely perfect.(I especially love those purples)

    1. Thanks for your comments, Hilda. Bird nests are good subjects for color-play opportunities. Anything goes.

  4. This is really beautiful, Carol. I love the colors you have used..
    I have been painting a series of nests for a show I have coming up next March. Been working at them for well over a year now. For the actual building of the nests, I find the Baltimore Oriel's nest absolutely amazing and the Mocking Bird's nest the worst.

    1. Julie, I'm hoping I'll be able to see your series on bird nests. What a great idea! Sounds like you've put a lot of time and thought into it and have a good variety of nest types. Please let us know when your show is ready! Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  5. Had to pop over and tell you how much this one caught my eye - so well done and I like the story behind it, too :) We have a cowbird come and eat with the doves now - I'm told cowbirds will lay eggs in any nest for the other birds to raise their bird and I think that's what happened to this young cowbird. He now thinks he's a dove - but can't make the mourning dove sound! ha ha

    1. Hi Rhonda! I love the information about the cowbird. It's too funny! "Here's my go ahead and raise him." Seriously though, I hear of more animals that are willing to take in an orphan. So glad you dropped by and commented!
