Friday, June 22, 2012

"Oh, My Darlin'" 6" X 6" Oil on linen panel

I've been anxious to complete a painting of my youngest grandson as I have done several of the oldest. Children just fascinate me with their curiosity and wonder as to how their little bodies function. This day, Logan was so happy while his Dad held him, and he tried to express this happiness with a big smile  and  hand movements. Wasn't quite sure what to do, but his exuberance made us all smile! Gosh, I love being a grandparent.


  1. Wow - this is a beautiful painting. The mouth is amazing and looks like it is going to move.
    I am envious. I have such a hard time with babies.

    1. Beautiful comments, Julie, and I'm very appreciative. I agree that children are difficult. The value changes in their soft, bright skin tones are so subtle. They're a challenge to try to capture.

  2. Sweet boy! You sure have a good way of capturing children and their little personalities. They do have a fun time of learning what everything is for don't they? Very cute:)

    1. It's truly amazing, Libby, that they can master all the directions and uses of these things called hands, legs, feet in such a short time. It's fun to watch! Thank you for commenting!

  3. painting children is not easy, Carol. You captured Logan so beautifully...He's adorable !!

    1. Hilda, thank you so much! You are so much my motivation in painting children. You are able to catch their expressions and personalities in your lovely portraits.

  4. Such joy on his face! Wonderful portrait. I know his mother will cherish it!

    1. Thank you, Virginia. He rarely is without a smile. Isn't that a great way to see the world?
