Thursday, April 5, 2012

"Palo Verde Spring" 6" X 8" Oil on linen panel

We have many Palo Verde trees in this area which thrive in this desert climate. I've always liked their graceful branches which are a beautiful yellow-green. The name Palo Verde, in fact, means "green stick." Very appropriate.The trunk and limbs are also green.  In the Spring they bloom out first with bright, yellow blossoms which sometimes are so thick you cannot see through the tree. When these drop off the thin green branches that held the flowers remain.

I've been working hard to find MY method to paint landscapes. I've always struggled with them, mostly in trying to make everything cohesive as well as working to simplify the scene. It's a challenge, but fun to try. Below, is a photo of one of our local Palo Verde trees - just down the street a bit.
 This painting is up for auction on Daily Paintworks at                                                                            


  1. A friend and I saw these trees when in Scottsdale and thought they were so beautiful. Thank you for giving me the name.
    Your landscape with Palo Verde tree is beautiful as well. Wonderful color harmony and composition.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. I'm glad you had a chance to see one of these beauties.

  2. Now you really make me homesick for AZ one of the first paintings I did was of a Palo Verde, They remind me of ballerinas big skirts.
    As usual you have spectacular color through out.You are coming right along with your landscapes, you may struggle but it isn't evident. Looks like we have both been working with color this week. My almost favorite part is the shadow color.

    1. Jean, I can see the ballerina thing. Very good comparison. Thank you for your kind words!!

  3. Those trees are so beautiful and graceful; like hands reaching up to the sky.

    You did a super job! I especially like those green branches but also the circular "pushing" of the shadow and grasses to the tree trunk and the bushes. Really effective.

    Trees are such a struggle though aren't they? and finding your own way to render them is tough-as I said, great job!

    1. Hi Libby, and thank you so much for the positive comments. Trees have always been "my mountain to climb" so to speak. They are such wonderful, exquisite things and I struggle to do them justice. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. Beautiful painting, Carol! I especially love the flowers under this wonderful tree and the branches!!...VERY nice job!!

    1. Thank you, Hilda, for your nice words. I am very grateful!

  5. I love this painting Carol, great job! I love the combination of the yellow foreground and blueish background and also your tree is great!

    1. Karen, thanks so much! The colors were fun to work with, and they were mostly those exact colors. This time of year the desert comes alive!

  6. I love the colors and textures in this landscape, Carol! The colors in the shadow under the tree and the turquoise and lavender in the background all work so well together. I understand what you mean about finding "my" way to paint something . . . there will be days when no result looks good to you but keep at it! Something clicks periodically. I also struggle with landscapes. Thanks for all your encouragement!

  7. You hit the nail on the head, Lorraine, with "...there will be days when..." Sometimes, you get quite a few in a row! I appreciate your support and hopeful outlook!!

  8. Gorgeous and luminously painted, love all the flowers under the tree, you created so much life in this painting!

  9. Jane, what a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much!

  10. This one definitly has a Southwest feel.

  11. Thank you, Carlene. I've learned since we've lived here that the desert has its own kind of beauty and unique colors and shapes.It took me awhile to "see" it's freshness.
