Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Home Grown" 8" X 10" oil on panel

The state in which I grew up was just too cold for citrus to grow. But here in Arizona they are abundant. We don't have any grapefruit, lemon or orange trees on our property, but we have neighbors with these trees who are more than willing to share. After all, what does one do with
200+ grapefruit?
Nothing like a chilled grapefruit or orange for breakfast or snack!
This painting is available through Daily Paintworks at: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/Artists/carol-flatt-1045


  1. Very nice painting Carol! I love how you painted the leaves and the shadows behind them. I agree, nothing more refreshing than a grapefruit for breakfast especially in the summer!

    1. Thank you, Karen. You bet! A neighbor put out a box of freshly picked grapefruit on the curb in front of his house a few days ago. It had a "FREE!" sign on it. Needless to say, we took a few and have loved them!

  2. Just lovely and a perfect little snapshot of the fruit. I like the reflected color on the wall also; a nice detail.

    We saw a grapefruit tree in Kauai. The grapefruit were falling to the ground and were as large as a cantaloupe, only a little more narrow. Citrus, when it grows, can be just wonderful and abundant.

    1. For sure, Libby! I imagine they just thrive in Hawaii! Thank you for commenting!

  3. This is a beautiful painting, Carol. The leaves are really nice...not easy painting green! I'm in the mood for grapefruits now..My parents lived in Orlando and they had an orange tree that was so full of oranges and OH SO JUICY!!! yummy memories.

  4. Hilda, thank you very much! Greens have always been a challenge for me, too. I've always thought citrus trees were "pretty" trees - nice to look at as well as being able to enjoy the juicy fruits!!

  5. Sounds as though you have the best of both worlds, sharing neighbors and a marvelous climate. Love the greens you created in the leaves.
    Isn't the 12x24 format an interesting one! I love it.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. Yes, we're very fortunate with the weather and delicious, "free" fruit! I feel blessed every day.

  6. Beautiful painting! The color and glow are gorgeous!

  7. Lorraine, thank you very much. The intensity of cadmium colors is fun to use on occasion.
