Monday, November 28, 2011

"VICTOR AND VICTORIA" 6" X 8" Oil on canvasboard SOLD

I love geese. They always seem so elegant and poised. We have very few here in the community where I live (desert and little water), so these are from a photo I took while we were on the Monterey Peninsula (lush vegetation and LOTS of water).
Green has always been a difficult color for me to paint. I often seem to paint it too much on the olive side or don't have the right combination of cools and warms. This time I relied on SAP GREEN and combinations of it, and I was happy with the final effect. It seems bright without being over the top - a HAPPY green, if you will.


  1. Your geese do look elegant!

    Green is tough for me too-and it is everywhere in the landscape so no avoiding it. Seems like you hit the right note with the sap green though and the feathers on the geese are lovely:)

  2. It IS everywhere, Libby! Even though I have more green pastels than any other single color, I never seem to have the "right one." Since I "discovered" Sap Green in oils, I'll try to match it in pastels. Thank you for commenting!

  3. Beautifully done, Carol. Love the way you changed up the green from the blurred background to the appearance of blades of grass in the foreground. Lovely color too.
    Carol B.

  4. Thanks so much, Carol! It was such a relaxing piece to do. It's nice to have that happen once in awhile!

  5. Carol, enjoy the blur in the background and the delightful colors in your well drawn geese. The title is clever. After the success of this piece
    with the fresh clean greens, I think you've got it.

  6. Thank you, Jean. I appreciate you writing!

  7. Carol...your paintings are very nice, it shows you love animals : )

  8. Animals are endlessly fascinating, Sadeu, and I hope that comes through in my paintings. I'm very grateful for a husband who's a wonderful photographer and takes many of my reference photos. Thank you so much for commenting. :)

  9. Oh Carol...this is absolutely beautiful! The greens are perfect as well as these geese! I have always had problems with greens with pastels..could never get it to look right unless I use a lot of different shades...

  10. I've heard many say green is a challenging color to portray - at least in foliage. That's one reason I was excited about the results of using the Sap Green. Now, if I can just find a similar hue in pastel...

  11. Beautiful Carol!! I love painting geese and I love how you painted them,the background is wonderful too.The green is just perfect!

  12. Thank you for those kind words, Azra. I enjoyed looking at your blog this morning. Beautiful work. It has a fresh crispness about it with wonderful colors. Love the subjects that you paint!

  13. Beautiful painting, Carol! I love your greens (Sap green is my favorite) and I love the way the geese are positioned in the space, their stark darks against the greens. Beautiful rendering of their iridescent feathers! And congrats on your sale!

  14. Lorraine, thank you so much! It's such a good feeling when one makes a "discovery" like a wonderful color that works for you. Oh, the little things that make us happy!!
