Wednesday, October 5, 2011


After a year and a half of back problems (four fractured vertebraes and compressed discs) and the procedures to "fix" them, my husband felt he had to have a change of scenery. So, a week ago, we traveled from Arizona to the central coast of California where we plan to stay for awhile. We used to live here, so it's like coming home for us, and it rejuvenates and inspires us. Third day here Clair, my husband, was in a bicycle accident when a man opened his car's driver's door just as Clair passed by. He went down hard, but thank goodness just deep contusions and scrapes rather than something much more serious. Because he can't walk well yet we take the car for little scenic jaunts where he can use his camera to photograph the area.

We can't believe all the gorgeous flowers, and I spotted these Coneflowers (I think) in full bloom. I did bring my pastels along so I was able to complete this painting. 

The pictures below were taken by me (a lower level of expertise with the camera) of places in the area.
This was in our front yard yesterday morning.



  1. Lively colors, Carol!

  2. Lovely painting! And I'm so happy for you to be on the California coast! I remember that coastline so well. Sorry to hear of your husband's back ordeal and bike accident. So glad it led you to that beautiful landscape.

  3. These are so fresh looking I feel I could touch them. Here in Minn. frost has taken all the blooms so will have to wait til next year. Thanks for making the wait less painful.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed them, Jean. They were so utterly bright in the garden - made a person feel good. I know your flowering plants are so worth the wait when they come out. Thank you!

  5. Thank you, Lorraine. We love beeing here, too, where in every direction there's a painting. It's been good for us to come back. I've been enjoying your remarkable work very much! Would have given a lot to go to your show!! What a talent you are!

  6. Carol, this is a beautiful painting and a wonderful composition. I like the bright flowers against the out of focus background. Really nice!

    So sorry to hear about your husband's back problems. They can be miserable. I hope you enjoy your break in that beautiful area of the country.

  7. Thank you, Angela! I know there are many exquisite flowers where you live as well. i wanted to tell you I really treasure your blog. I find your stories of work of great interest, plus, your beautiful artwork is so enjoyable!!

  8. Hi Virginia,
    I appreciate your comments! My husband is recuperating nicely from the bike accident. The last few days have gone really well. Thank you for your kind words!

  9. Really lovely painting and your photos are quite beautiful despite your disclaimer!
    Hope California treats you well.

  10. Hi Shirley,
    Thank you very much for your kind words. We have been very fortunate with good weather and beautiful scenery. I've been taking tons of photos for future reference. I'm enjoying your posts so much!
