Sunday, August 14, 2011

"CHANGE OF ADDRESS" 12" X 12" Oil on panel

I decided to go a little larger with this painting instead of the usual 6" X 6" or 6" X 8". I do love the square format. I had worked hard the last four months trying to develop a "looser" style, and I was getting "there" about 85% of the time. I find myself at times now kind of reverting to a tighter, more realistic interpretation of subject. Perhaps it's just the subject matter - in this case, all those feathers - or maybe it's that old uncertainty again about letting go of the concrete in favor of the unknown and the experimental. Scary stuff!!
I'll have to work on that!!


  1. The sign is just the perfect touch!

    I know what you mean I think about wanting your style to be one way and actually continuing to paint in another way. The bird is lovely though and your details and tighter rendering of his feathers really brougt out his beauty. Can a boy bird be beautiful??? LOL!

  2. I like it, Carol. Has she moved to an upscale neighborhood? Looks like a good day for a move.

  3. Really lovely, Carol. I love the early morning light striking the bird's breast. Beautiful job on those feathers.

  4. I LOVE the soft look of the feathers. Makes me want to pet the bird.
    I definitely tighten up depending on the subject matter.
    Happy Monday!

  5. Carol, this is simply beautiful. the contrast of the colors, detail against simple areas is nothing short of perfect. This is endearing and the title is once again, PERFECT, by the way the slight shadowing on the sign worked like a dream.

  6. Thanks so much, Jean. Your words of advice were so welcome, as always.

  7. I'm glad to hear that your approach to "tight" or "loose" depends on subject matter. I just couldn't figure out how to do a "loose" dove and have it be "post-able." Thank you for the reassurance!

  8. Virginia, thanks so much. The lighting was a big part of the appeal in doing this painting.

  9. Carol, I don't know if it's upscale, but it's in a good neighborhood. :) Thank you!

  10. Thank you, Libby. Someone said it depends on subject matter, and I think that's true. Some things lend themselves to a loose representation while others I feel are calling to be a bit more realistic. I also find, for me, it's easier to make work in pastel looser than in oil. I say that just because of my familiarity (or lack of) with oils. Maybe with time and practice I'll feel more comfortable experimenting. Thanks for commenting!

  11. Carol, This is perfect...He looks like he could just fly away...the feathers look real enough to touch...the colors are great and the composition really shows off this little guy's qualities..Great job!

  12. Thank you, Ellie. My husband is great about letting me use the photos he takes.

  13. Beautiful painting, Carol! Love the light on the bird and the way it goes into shadow. I don't think painting loose is better than tight. You have a wonderful ability and love of detail and should continue working however it feels best and gives you the most satisfaction. It's great that you experimented and explored and all that you discovered has likely been brought into your detailed work now. I think the word "tight" applies to work that has had all the life wrung out of it. Your work is very alive with color and light and composition. I love Jacob Collin's work and the whole atelier movement. If I had your facility and patience and nature, I would embrace it. There's so much to explore, experiment with in beautifully rendered work and it seems so natural for you to continue to develop and refine it.

  14. Lorraine, I want to thank you for the time and thought you put into your comments. I value your opinion highly, and you brought up things to which I hadn't given the thought that I should. I agree with your statement that "'tight' applies to work that has had the life taken out of it. I've seen work like that, and it must be hard (in my mind) for the artist to have a sense of joy in the process. I hope I'm not on that road. That you think my work is "alive" is a great compliment. Perhaps, I've been overly concerned in trying to fit into a particular niche, and have neglected just to relax and paint the way my heart says. Thank you for getting me back on my journey.
