Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"THE FLUTE PLAYER' 6" X 8" Oil on canvasboard

This is my three-year-old grandson having a good old time playing the tonette I learned to play in fourth grade a long, long time ago. Once he learned how to make it play different notes he really went to town. We keep it here at my house. For some reason, his daddy thought it would be better here rather than there.                                                                                 


  1. This made me smile. So sweet, he is really into this , you can tell from his position, great painting Carol, the colors are wonderful.

  2. He is just darling! You did a great job of capturing his little hands and that tonette plus I really love that background. I did the same thing in grammar school as your grandson only they called the instrument a "recorder."

  3. Thank you, Jane! He had a great time "tooting." We couldn't resist taking a photo!

  4. Libby, thank you very much! I remember the recorders as well! A good way to learn the beginnings of reading music! :)

  5. Hi Carol, they still have tonettes? How great! This made me smile as well-the values and warm color model the forms perfectly .

  6. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for your comments. The colors were fun to play with. Tonettes might go by another name by now, or maybe another instrument is used. I really enjoyed "tonette class" back when, but I don't know how good we sounded.

  7. those chubby hands and cheeks get me every time.I enjoyed having to check to see if it was oil or pastel, beautiful touch.

  8. Hi Jean,
    Appreciate your comments very much. There IS something so unique about a young child and the way they hold their bodies. Trying to catch that in a painting is an exciting challenge.

  9. So funny.He is the cutest thing ever. Beautiful painting, love everything about it.

  10. He is a delight to us, Violetta. I really am grateful for your nice comments! It means so much to receive support from fellow artists like yourself!

  11. You have a real talent for capturing children. This is a beautiful painting Carol..the background, the skin tones, the child himself.
